
New computer & new cfg

Hey CF users!

I have a little problem with "my" new config. First at all I installed ET from Wolfenstein Enemy Territory Ultimate Installer 1.6. Ok great, nothing new, but after that I need to put some better config inside. I will choose randomly perfo's cfg and matias cfg (still trying to compare both in one). I lost my last cfg which was taken from jo0f, don't remember how I got this, but config was great, especially for good FPS. Now it's gone with my old WD Green disk - R.I.P (yea I know - stupid faggot didn't make backup file). So, I have tried perfo's config, and I'm surprised! Why FPS jumping on insta new computer? Graphics in cfg is nice, and everything is okay, but I think something is wrong with GRAPHICS settings in config. I'm not good at scripting and cvars etc., but I would like you guys to help me with that, to reach the max of 125 FPS on every map (if it's possible ofc).

Specification below:

- Eizo Foris FS2333 23" (default resolution is 1920 x 1080, 16 : 9)
- Processor Intel Core i5-4670K 3,4 GHz (OC available)
- Motherboard MSI Z87-G55
- Crucial Ballistix 16GB RAM DDR3 1600Mhz
- Kingston 120GB SSD (for Windows & Office)
- HDD WD Black 1TB (Enemy Territory installed here) & WD Blue 1TB
- Graphic Card SAPPHIRE DUAL-X R9 270X 2GB GDDR5 OC WITH BOOST (Monitor is connected with graphic card by DVI white cable, I have also HDMI cable in box which I can connect as second one)
- ASUS Xonar DX/XD 7.1
- Windows 7 Home Premium OEM 64bit (Windows Aero is ON)
- 250mb/s Internet Connection

And tell me... How it is possible to have jumping fps on machine like that? For example on sp_delivery_te I have 40-60 fps in cave, 50 in one place in office, and 125 in spawn/button room and 115-125 on flag - kinda weird and annoying. Also jumping fps on sw_goldrush_te, especially when I'm going out of second Axis Spawn, by first arch near barrier (30-45fps) and also on Adlernest. When playing Minecraft the fps is smooth with stable 58 - 60.

So the goal is that I would like to have config which will give me 125 fps and smooth gameplay. Maybe you can recommend some helpful settings or good, not brightless config? Or some of you have joOf.cfg and it will be a solution? I need some ideas...

Thanks a lot for any help! My recompense for you: SOME REALLY TASTY KEBAB! ;)


Get better computer for better fps.
You have made aiming & config tutorials and can't even answer for my simple question seriuosly...
seta r_primitives "2" in your config and save alot of effort
for what is this command responsible for? Only one command will fix te problem? I checked it and it was "0" before.
the command is for a radeon video card and u have one some problems with opengl in older games.
Thanks it's working now, I checked on frostbite :) Problem solved, this is the price!

image: kebab1
Thanks looks delicious!
it basically selects between different rendering methods
HF with your PSU blowing up in 6 months
Because it's shit :D
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