ESL Revival Cup

Link to ESL newspost:

In response to your queries, ESL decided to open once again the Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory section with a 6on6 Revival Cup. We need you to join us and make this event a huge success. Are you ready?

image: 26677b

Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory is a downloadable, free-to-play multiplayer FPS game in which players wage war as Axisoph or Allies in team-based combat. It's a team game; you will win or fall along with your comrades. The only way to complete the objectives that lead to victory is by cooperation, with each player covering their teammates and using their class special abilities in concert with the others.

The competitive scene uses the mod, ETPro version 2.60B so you must ensure that your game has downloaded ETPro and at the correct patch version.

The sign up link is provided HERE!

Cup information:
8/16/32 slot single elimination bracket
1 map per match, for Semi-Finals and Finals each team picks a map!
Server Config
General ESL ET Rules
Atleast 1 or more players of the team has to idle in ( IRC). If you don't have a client you can connect with browser HERE
adlernest, bremen_b3, frostbite, karsiah_te2, missile_b3, radar, supply, sw_goldrush_te

The team that wins will be able to claim their prize by opening a suport ticket here
6 x 1 Month ESL Premium codes
QuoteOnly players with entered TZAC ID can play
QuoteSupply, Braundorf, sw_grush ,sp_delivery and Frostbite

>take 3 months to prepare a one-day cup
>still not enough time to realize that TZAC is dead and braun & deliv haven't been played in 6on6 for years

Good luck with the "revival", guys.
But who says it's a bad idea to have them there? Well, you do.

It may be a lotto map, but definitely fun.
What about the maps that are actually played like radar and bremen?
Im sorry, but Im Poland and I know supply/goldrush only
we/you cant fix this "newschool" scene anymore
deliv & b4 don't belong in 6o6 maplist, simple as that. they were both tried on top level and weren't a good fit.
knew u would say this at all, give it a try man... i pref esl more then cybergamer dont destroy now our chance to get an good Anticheat ! just totaly retarded how u act now ,srsly stop talking bullshit and be happy that they interessed, maps and admin stuff can be fixed thats not a reason for this insults i hope they give a shit about that what u say sry man i respect ur work 100% but this makes me mad....
It makes you mad because you are German and thus blindly support ESL in everything they do. There is no excuse for not taking a few minutes out of their time to figure out which anticheat and maplist the game they claim to be "reviving" is currently using (or not using) before hitting the Submit button.

ET is not a priority for them in the slightest and never will be. There is a reason that the CoD2 community has begun moving from ESL to CG.
yep is see the priority on cg with the anticheat and stuff...
this punchline
Explain why you support them without mentioning how many cheaters you think there are in ET or how much you dislike me and my efforts.

What makes you think that ESL will give ET more attention than CyberGamer does? They have already dropped support for ET once before, blaming it on lack of activity. How do you know they won't do it again a few months from now?
why hsould i mention how many cheaters are active?

maybe i believe that the esl wire ac is more usefull than cgac for et? we are using cgac since early february and still nothing happens with the ET side of that "app"..

what attention is cg giving et except hosting it?
how can i be sure that cg won't do the same?
Quotewhy hsould i mention how many cheaters are active?

Because you have an unhealthy obsession with "cheaters" and "busting" them.

Quotemaybe i believe that the esl wire ac is more usefull than cgac for et?

How so? You don't even know whether it will be effective in ET or not. What we do know is that Wire can only be used in ESL matches, so say goodbye to any CG cups/ladders & community-run competitions and hello to the cups and ladders of ESL run by admins with 0 knowledge about ET.

Quotewhat attention is cg giving et except hosting it?
how can i be sure that cg won't do the same?

You are confusing CG the organization with CG the ET crew. Everything we do at CG is done to help keep this game and community alive. Our rules, maplists, and system is built in a way that best serves ET players. This is the main difference between ESL and CG. ESL will never stray from the "global" rules and policies they have in place, even if it will help provide better support for ET. We do not matter enough to them to change the way their system works, and you will soon find that out if this "revival" happens.

Why would CG drop support for ET? The only other games that CyberGamer EU actively supports at the moment are CoD4 and CoD2. ESL, on the other hand, would not be affected one bit as an organization if they chose to let ET go once again. That's the point I'm trying to make here - ESL will only make minimal effort for ET because they have only minimal benefits to gain from it.
yep sorry for being so wrong with chilax, xictus and co... sorry that your friend nazty is now busted and your mood is bad...

also how is cgac effective right now? there is nothing to support your statement. how can cgac used in ESL matches?

ye and why are you so much hating on ESL when 2 Organziation are better than only 1? are right... you are not an admin on ESL and you cant do a shit on ESL..

Dunno why they should drop et.. but they could...
Quoteyep sorry for being so wrong with chilax, xictus and co... sorry that your friend nazty is now busted and your mood is bad...

If you accuse everyone of cheating, you're bound to get a few right eventually. I have never liked NaZtY and am actually in a fine mood today.

Quotealso how is cgac effective right now? there is nothing to support your statement. how can cgac used in ESL matches?

Which statement? And why would you want to use CGAC in ESL matches?

Quoteye and why are you so much hating on ESL when 2 Organziation are better than only 1? are right... you are not an admin on ESL and you cant do a shit on ESL..

You really think that two organizations are better than one? In what way? How is having two different leagues with two different anticheats beneficial to a community of less than 500 active players?

ET will suffer if ESL takes over. It may not happen right away, but in a few weeks/months you will see what I mean. I'm saying this as a player, not as an admin.

QuoteDunno why they should drop et.. but they could...

ok boy who did i accused before Chilax or base? please give me a link or quote something from me or just stop your comments about it cause they are wrong.

QuoteHow so? You don't even know whether it will be effective in ET or not. What we do know is that Wire can only be used in ESL matches, so say goodbye to any CG cups/ladders & community-run competitions and hello to the cups and ladders of ESL run by admins with 0 knowledge about ET.

im talking about that statemant. but is nothing new that you cant remember oyur own words after 3 seconds....

yep why should we have linux and microsoft, adidas and puma, women or man, day and night...

like i said.. you are scared to lost your adminpower...
Quoteok boy who did i accused before Chilax or base? please give me a link or quote something from me or just stop your comments about it cause they are wrong.

You have lost all credibility by accusing players who are not even remotely suspicious - United States of America vein and Portugal torako, for example.

Quoteim talking about that statemant. but is nothing new that you cant remember oyur own words after 3 seconds....

As far as I know, that statement is true, and ESL Wire can only be used in ESL matches.

Quoteyep why should we have linux and microsoft, adidas and puma, women or man, day and night...

You cannot compare these things to ET. Billions of people wear shoes and use computers, while only a few hundred play this game competitively.

Quotelike i said.. you are scared to lost your adminpower...

Not at all. I'm not a dictator and would gladly give up my position if someone came along who could do a better job, but I don't think ESL is capable of that. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
hm so sup with Torako? democrew watched my timestamps? and i lost all my shit cause i accused ur buddy vein? sorry to hear that...

hm can we use cgac in irc matches or outside from cg? no? then is your point useless...

we can compare et with any other hsit, cause you tell us that we cant do it?

what is a better job? so you tell us right now you are doing a shit job?
Quotehm so sup Torako? democrew watched my timestamps? and i lost all my shit cause i accused ur buddy vein? sorry to hear that...

Neither of them are my buddies, but there is no evidence that they are cheating, yet you repeatedly insist that they are.

Quotehm ca we use cgac in irc matches or outside from cg? no? then is your point useless...

You can use CGAC in one-day cups and other competitions run by members of the community. My understanding is that you cannot do that with ESL Wire.

Quotewe can compare et with any other hsit, cause you tell us that we cant do it?

You can't do it because it is illogical, not because I am telling you not to. Get a grip.

Quotewhat is a better job? so you tell us right now you are doing a shit job?

i asked you what is the result in that Torako case? did your guys watched the replay and used my timestamps?

where did i wrote repeadly that they hax? i can write my opinion?

so far i can remeber esl offered something that we can use ESL for IRC matches.. yes we have to make 2 clicks more but atleast we could use an anticheat for irc...

why is that illogical? cause is doenst fit your mind? cause et got only 100 active players? give me some reason ot just some useless shit..

QuoteNot at all. I'm not a dictator and would gladly give up my position if someone came along who could do a better job, but I don't think ESL is capable of that. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

and again... you cant remeber your own shit... what are you making wrong that you think that oyu making a shit job?

could it be that you still havent cancelled my atleast 10 matchlinks? :)
Quotei asked you what is the result in that Torako case? did your guys watched the replay and used my timestamps?

where did i wrote repeadly that they hax? i can write my opinion?

Yes, and we have determined that he is clean and his actions are easily explainable.

Say whatever you want, just don't expect to be taken seriously.

Quoteso far i can remeber esl offered something that we can use ESL for IRC matches.. yes we have to make 2 clicks more but atleast we could use an anticheat for irc...

Gather/Versus is not the same thing as playing IRC matches. The community will not like it because it is different and involves more effort than we are used to.

Quotewhy is that illogical? cause is doenst fit your mind? cause et got only 100 active players? give me some reason ot just some useless shit..

There is not enough activity in ET to support cups and ladders on two different websites. It will either split the community or cause the ET section of one of the leagues to collapse. Comparing this to Adidas vs Puma or Microsoft vs Linux is illogical because neither one has such a large impact on their opponent to drive them out of business since there are already so many people (read: billions) supporting them and using their products. I am baffled that you do not understand this.

Quoteand again... you cant remeber your own shit... what are you making wrong that you think that oyu making a shit job?

I don't think that I am "making a shit job" at all and in fact think I'm doing rather well. You really need to work on your reading comprehension because I am getting tired of having to explain myself over and over. What I meant is that I am not obsessed with power like you seem to think I am and will gladly quit my job as an admin if someone better comes along and takes my place. That has just not happened yet and will not likely happen soon.
just you think he is clean that doesnt mean you are right.

i wanna hear the explainations, please

the for the rest... is just random i hate ESL blablablabla

btw: i cant take you seriously after letting players do whatever they want after moving to cg :)
The entire democrew and most of the community agrees with me. You are delusional.

See you in a few weeks/months when you discover for yourself that ESL isn't as perfect as you think it is.
yup.. maybe the community should use my timestamps also :)

and maybe im just the guy who did the avi... like with xictus.. i didnt even played that match and i dont even like the german team who got beaten by cheats... think about it.. i even watched symbol many times cause i accused him... so pls...

im just the guy who get paid for it :P

oh and the ohurcg is the perfect fit?
ET has a better future with CG than with ESL, simple as that.
your effort was good but dont see a working ac
maybe esl can do better
Why would you say because someone is German they would blindly support ESL? xd
Because ESL is a German organization, so people like DaNe, eRs, Kitt, symbol, etc. will fanboy them regardless of what they say or do.
sorry but i guess you also voted for the Bush and you finding it nice that only America can play the world Police.. cause is an American Planet...

you are just a peace of shit if you really think i give a fuck about it... ESL could be Indian or Vietnamese and stll i couldnt give a single fuck...
you know us quite good
QuoteIt makes you mad because you are German and thus blindly support ESL in everything they do

what the fuck are u talking??? cuz iam german...sry that i want a chance to make my favorite game abit cleaner then this shit with cgac.. but well after this comment i cant take u serious anymore man, seems like u have problems with germans nice to know that u are so mature, u should be replaced with someone else who is not racism, i have never done something about u and ur work, and u insult me for nothing. wp ohurcool 10/10
Being offended does not make you right. I have nothing against your country, but it is not uncommon to see German ET players stand behind ESL and hate on all other leagues/organizations. It's not really that relevant here anyway, just a bit amusing.
I guess the same thing happens with every other league organisation. Why would you not support the organisation originated from your country.

I don't think you are right to say that if someone is German he will support ESL blindly no matter what they do. It's like saying all Americans are fat (hehehehehe).
No, it would be like me saying that x is better than y because x is American. One should have other reasons for supporting something or someone besides sharing the same nationality.
I don't agree on that point.

I support the Netherlands football team because they're Dutch. Should I have reasons to explain why I don't support the Spanish football team?
Supporting gaming leagues is different from supporting sports teams. :P
Not in my opinion.

We'll just leave it in the middle. We differ from opinions, that's not a big deal :P
prejudice muh fugga
xD love how mad you are when u are on other league and ESL is giving ET a shot :) Never saw u talking like that on any other posts etc but when ESL comes in "revival" cup ur suddenly talking bs :)

That guy is not familiar with ET and seems he didnt even ask sn4ke about it (while there were also rummors that he was not admin anymore), because sn4ke knows that tzac is offline for long time. Few mistakes which will be surely corrected when timbo talks with him and you are here like #YOLO ESL anti fan.
All the drama CG vs ESL has begun.
I am not mad, just concerned about the future of ET. It is rather unsettling to see so many people supporting the "comeback" of a league which completely abandoned our game and community last year. This has little to do with me being a CG admin, and I'm sure your comment has nothing to do with you being an (ex-)ESL admin.
That criticism on your comment and so on...
I think there is no need to state that ESL has abandoned ET year ago, ESL admins had a plan for versus and wire and so on and community has rejected that. After that it was decided to close section, which had no future goal except runing empty cups. But do we need to talk about this on every ESL thread?
Besides community wanted ESL back, forum posts and all feedback is showing that. If its in interest of people I dont know why you mind so much.

And what is about future of ET? ESL is negative thing or what?
The community didn't "reject" anything. We chose TZAC over Wire because TZAC during that period was the best anticheat that this game has ever seen. ESL cups were doing just fine before the regular spring/summer/fall/winter cup seasons started getting announced later and later or just skipped entirely. If we had done that at ClanBase, the result would have been the same. You can't just ignore a community for months at a time then expect them to welcome you back with open arms.

Sn4Ke's newspost about ESL ET closing is full of excuses and finger-pointing.

Quote...the activity went down close to zero. Not only the ESL was affected by this massive activity drop but also similar services. The so called "two weeks clans" turned out to be "some days clans", the number of active and stable teams decreased drastically.
QuoteEnemy Territory is indeed an old game and had to struggle with several problems not only after the official support was stopped. No newcomers, guys of former times grew up and are fighting on another battlefield now. The time has come to say goodbye!
QuoteWe, the ESL Admin Team have put a lot of effort, time and money in this section but especially in the last months the community did not really appreciated that. When following this site (crossfire) it seems obvious that nobody misses the ESL Enemy Territory section or even playing the game. Moreover we got no feedback by the rest of the shrinking community or the clear wish that we should go on. Nevertheless we continued but the battery is empty and dead as Enemy Territory is.

This is what the GamesTV schedule looked like on the day that ESL dropped support for ET:

image: imxQX14

Does that look like a dead game to you? Besides, if the reason ESL closed their ET section was that ET had "died", then why are they making a comeback now? Is the game "alive" now?

People want ESL back because they don't see the big picture. They are frustrated with the lack of bans from CGAC and think that ESL and Wire will solve all of our problems. People seem to have forgotten how we were treated by ESL in the past and what it's like to play in cups and ladders with overly strict rules run by clueless admins. I'm simply trying to make sure everyone understands what we're getting ourselves into before it's too late.
QuoteThe community didn't "reject" anything. We chose TZAC over Wire because TZAC during that period was the best anticheat that this game has ever seen

At the time when we started with wire development and at the time when wire should replace TZAC (For ESL) was the time when Chaplja abandoned TZAC and even started vote to donate money for it. At that time when donations were runing and so on TZAC did not develop and also we knew that there will not be new version which we all exactly saw on december 1st. Also that was the date when we wanted to get wire done by that.

Calling best anticheat for ET that time.. yeah outdated and bypassed long time ago. It was good yes on begining, but at that time it wasn't anymore since no further development was made. People had only fear to turn on some private hacks and thats it.

QuoteDoes that look like a dead game to you? Besides, if the reason ESL closed their ET section was that ET had "died", then why are they making a comeback now? Is the game "alive" now?

There were more reasons, main reason was that noone did not play ESL cups and all the effort that was putted into that cups and time by all admins... there was no point anymore since that was happening for few years already. ESL versus would work only with wire, this is how we wanted to get new players and not only see how old ones are leaving.
Besides how can u make some accusations, when you do not know what was going on at ESL, because clearly you don't. You are only writing posts and some funny comments without backup facts. GTV screenshot is the fact for you when that was decided few weeks ago and not that day.

QuotePeople want ESL back because they don't see the big picture. They are frustrated with the lack of bans from CGAC and think that ESL and Wire will solve all of our problems

Again you are missing the point that players wanted ESL back at the time when CG started to support ET. Wondering what is the big picture for you, seems like you are the only open minded player in this community with that picture.

Quote People seem to have forgotten how we were treated by ESL in the past and what it's like to play in cups and ladders with overly strict rules run by clueless admins

How were you treated in the past?

Do you know how were ESL admins treated in the past on websites like crossfire, tz-ac, gamestv, We are talking from admins of that site to ESL. We missed the lack of open invitations which clanbase league admins had. So its not only the community did not play esl ladders, cups anymore, its also the sad point that ESL admins were treated by other admins so badly. But hey why should I explain that to anyone more. Still have so much dignity to not talk about that infront of everyone.

What strict rules? So you don't respect rules that are there to be obeyed? Did you start any post at ESL about those strict rules or even open a ticket for that matter?

It surely looks like u dont like ESL to come back, but there are also others which thinks oposite and would like to see ESL in future.
I guess they still haven't acquired any admin there with ET knowledge
Nobody from this ET community was involved in creating the revival cup.
I can see that, but I don't really understand why they wouldn't add such admin to their staff if they're actually serious about getting ET back to ESL game selection
I do not know that. They appointed a general staff member who usually runs cups to host this one. The current admin organizing it was not online for 3 months (some staff member from ESL told me the admin was no longer with ESL), now all of a sudden he still managed to organize it. So I don't know what happened there lol.
and who is going to admin this? I mean no one knew about that cup, just because of you we did..
new games ESL staff. If cup is sucesfull then section will open... they cannot just get ET admins before even opening ET section again to just run this one cup. So everyone should be patient and know that timbolina is already helping him. Also news are fixed now as I see.
revival after 5 months ^^ thought they forgot about it^^
better late then never ^^
if so it shouldnt be called revival :)
but ok also its not stated in news how its ment that revival after all :) I think its ment as Revival of ESL which had ET already in its games... and not in general of ET is Dead revival :P
indeed, it is from the revival section on the esl page, u can apply for any game the ESL cut off in the past not specially for et
tnx coz i never used ESL website before^^ just saying this coz i see ohuradmin is translating this little bit otherwise to himself :P
Does it matter whether the title refers to the "revival" of ET or of ESL ET? My point remains the same either way.
it will fail. unless you take aniky as head esl admin.
you better pm them also about mappool :--D
god damn people ungrateful as fuck

you the man tim <3
This needs zodiac and.

Welcome to ET.
I don't think anyone is being ungrateful here, especially not towards timbolina as it is mostly because of him that CG now supports ET.

It's an insult to the community to call this a "revival cup" when it looks like something that was thrown together in 15 minutes, despite the initial announcement taking place back in January. ESL clearly doesn't care about ET at all and instead sees you as nothing more than another hit on their website or subscription to their Premium package.
very good point.

i take back my previous statement!
What jon said

i love you too man <3
Well its not wierd ESL doesnt care about ET, look at the previous cups.
I think ESL got its chance to shine again with such map pool and players of nowadays
I hope this will work out. Thanks for posting this timbolina.
Great work
Pm if you need anything ill try to gather some people that can support this
ESL|baq to save ET
:) revival baq
great news
gg cant even remember my pw to log in on the esl homepage :D
e: know some1 a way how i can figure out my last pw? since esl is forcing to change the pw everytime i got no clue which one I used at last.. and since i always logged in via facebook, I rly forgot it :( and I cant let esl send my pw to my email acc cuz the email i used to register to esl got hacked few weeks ago :D
will play for sure if there are some decent admin(s) and if rules/maps get fixed.
Rules and maps seem to be updated now.

TZAC part got removed and the new maplist is:
Quoteadlernest, bremen_b3, frostbite, karsiah_te2, missile_b3, radar, supply, sw_goldrush_te
thats nice :)
Ye, they apologized for the mistake and wish everyone to give them feedback on the cup.
can we finally use wire?
I will let you know as soon as possible. Can't tell right now.
ye man would be the best
ITT ohurcool scared as fuck of losing admin for ETs. Hopefully ESL will have less delusional admins
You can deflect all you want but somebody seemed extremely butthurt in all those essays he wrote up there
is this anticheat by esl included?
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