RtCW Admin Team: The fail is strong with this one.

What happens when you don't want to play by the rules? Apparently, you participate in spite of this and then whine until the admins - who are supposed to enforce the rules - acquiesce to your demands.



TL;DR of what the admins are actually saying:

It's perfectly acceptable for a team (Unity) to not only pick/accept their division, but to also pick what division their server is in. So, if Unity were to play 3 Europeans and 3 Americans, they could force 9 out of 12 total players (75%) in the server to play with high latency - with 100% of the opposing team being subjected to it.

Nobody forced Unity to create a mixed team. No team should be able to pick their division and play on a server outside of their division. No opposing team within their division should be placed at a considerable disadvantage because of this hilariously illogical "compromise".

The precedent that is being set is that if you or your team do not like the rules, you should go ahead and play anyway, throw a giant hissy fit, threaten to leave the tournament, and the admins will change the rules to accommodate you/keep you in the tournament.

When school age children do this, it is called "taking my ball and going home." Apparently, the tactic worked on the admin team.

Personally, I am having difficulty understanding how this decision was reached without any obvious bias, favoritism, or administrative incompetence. Please, can any admin calmly, objectively, and rationally justify why this "compromise" was made when it was clearly against the rules every team is supposed to obey?
Will read. no
We call to you dark lord satan so that jlada can accept you as his master and into his heart
jesus is tougher!
kick unity out. Let Gstars replace them. WE ARE READY!

Parcher most retarded. Wants to be a champ, never will be.
2 long sorry man, tnx for effort tho
Minor grammatical error near the end:

should be placed at a be put at a considerable disadvantage because of this hilariously illogical "compromise".

Minus "at a be put"

Screw proof-reading.
tl;dr bro

Matt Beck = United States of America Virus047?
As an admin, all I have to say is that you have just proven why you are such a pain in the ass to talk to/deal with.

Besides that I don't have anything to say other than see you next cup?
"Please, can any admin calmly, objectively, and rationally justify why this "compromise" was made when it was clearly against the rules every team is supposed to obey?"
Like I said, I've said what I wanted to say. We tried talking 'calmly/objectively and rationally justifieing' with you but either your ego or stubbornness doesn't seem to allow you to think beyond the problem instead of looking at a solution for it.

We told you we made a mistake on our part, at least we were man enough to admit our side of the mistake and tried offering a compromise that you initially agreed with. But apparently you changed your mind again so what can we do? Offering middle ground clearly isn't good enough for you so, and I say this as an individual and not as an admin, you can fuck off :)

e: Apparently I was under the assumption that you are parcher, which you are not (gg using some retarded name on cf instead of your ingame nick) which makes it even more mindblowing that you posted this as you are not a part or related to the problem other than being in the same cup.
Adeto, I am afraid this is a case of mistaken identity. I am not a member of Unity. I agreed to nothing and had nothing to do with this "compromise".

I was told by a head admin (Virus) that he would not justify the decision, he "was done talking", and to "talk to another admin". So... here I am.
Edited, also if your definition of talking to another admin means posted private logs and half the story online I'm even more mindblown :D
jlada is a my first initial and surname.

My alias "AlphA" was already registered. I tried many variants, but they were taken as well. If my first initial and surname are "retarded", I suppose that's your opinion.

I *am* related to the problem. I told Virus that this exact situation was going to happen 2 weeks before it occurred and he said there were very clear rules against it. Now, either I am psychic or I knew that Unity would attempt the same move in the next cup as they did against Blatant Disrespect.

P.S. I edited my profile to reflect the undeniable fact that the discrepancy between my account name and in-game alias is retarded.
Side note: Completely agree with the ego/stubbornness/irrationality/delusions of Parcher. We're on the same page. Total pain in the ass.
Official statement from the admin team, all aspects and the full compromise explained.

First off, the information that you are posting is mostly faulty Jeff. It is outdated as at that time the Reich Strikes Back Cup had just been announced on the 27th. It was pointed out that the rules were still 'under construction', including trying to avoid problems that occurred into the previous cup. Also from Day 1 we have stated that exceptions to the rules can be made if circumstances ask and/or allow it and that we are open to requests/suggestions to keep the cup as enjoyable for everyone as possible. The rules were in place as “guidelines” for teams to follow if we needed to fall back on them. We wanted teams, players and admins to make agreements among themselves which were mutually beneficial and agreeable to all parties involved. The “Unity” rule you were suggesting to admin Virus047 in private conversations were already ‘under construction’ and thus Virus047 did not release any specific details about this in your conversation rather more generalizations about what the admin team was discussing.

The ‘Unity’ rule we finally agreed upon was there to prevent him from abusing his lineup to force himself into a group and abusing servers. However due to communication errors on both Unity's side and the admin's side they ended up a group they shouldn't have been in in the first place. Without going into all the details about why there was a miscommunication between the two parties involved what it boiled down to is the Admin team was under the impression that Unity wished to remain in the EU group and Parhers team was under the impression they were going to be placed in the NA group. Thus we had a group meeting Sunday evening with the admin staff and several members of Parchers team to find a solution. Parcher wished for his team to be removed from the EU group and moved into the NA group because a majority of his active and available players at the time were NA based. We however as admins decided that moving Unity to the NA group would cause too many issues, most important of all would be the unbalanced EU #1 group (having already been scheduled for 5 weeks) and of course the need for us to completely redraw the cup at that point as the original draws are now invalid. Redrawing the cup was out of the question at that point as the cast with Warwitch was a roaring success and we did not wish to disappoint the community with yet another “admin” blunder.

The admin team discussed at length the situation and it was finally decided to force them in the EU group which they were originally drawn but because we are not unsympathetic towards the issue we wanted to offer a compromise about the server rule to Unity to keep it as enjoyable and fair for all parties involved. The compromise was discussed in length with Parcher and other members of Unity on TS3 which is a major part of information that you are missing out on. As of now the compromise made means: Yes, Unity is allowed to use a US server for a map and possibly for a decider depending on coin toss or knife fight. The not 'land locked' part in the pastebin to Parcher means that they are locked to US servers now BUT if Unity and their opponent agree to play both maps on a EU server they may do so. However the other side of the compromise states that he is not allowed to sub/replace players during a match and his starting six are playing out the entire match. And thus the 'abuse' (because Unity didn't do anything wrong by recruiting players from BOTH NA and EU but rather found a loophole in the previous cups rules, which I don't condone and is why we created the rule in the first place) with player swapping is not possible anymore.

I can guarantee you with 100% that there is no bias towards Unity or any other parties other than that as admins we are 'biased' towards that we want to keep all the teams in the tournament to maximize participation and matches. All things considered this compromise allows for the easiest way to deal with this situation and most of the current complaints are from people who are telling us to bias for them and against Unity. We expected more cooperation between teams in such a small community and are honestly surprised and dissapointed in how a minute percentage responded to the decision the admins made.
The entire point of this post was to expose poor admin decisions. You literally just did it for me.

What you just said is essentially:

Somehow.... Over the course of two weeks.... Our admin team of FIVE GROWN MEN were too unorganized, lazy, or incompetent to obtain a DEFINITIVE answer from 13 teams about which division/group they wished to compete in.

As a result of this lack of definitive and correct information, the admin team assumed/made shit up and we screwed up the divisions.

After our admin team screwed up the divisions, we decided that we didn't want to disappoint the public, admit our mistake, or properly fix the groups as they should be, so we subjectively decided that the flawed group we created based on flawed information was too unbalanced/weak without the flawed team we improperly put there.

As a result of this remarkably clusterfucked mistake and subjective opinions, we then decided to go ahead and modify the rules we created JUST for the team we improperly placed. We'll just go ahead and "construct" the rule book because our admins were too unorganized/lazy/incompetent to get it right the first time.

Good show. Bravo. I get it now. My mistake.

What a joke. Fix an admin mistake by making more admin mistakes.
The statement is to everyone, but we decided to reply it to you as apparently you are the most 'butthurt' about it.

To you personally right now from me:
You should know you are almost as short sighted and poor in taste in your thought process as parcher ;) If you have a problem with playing in the cup with these admins you can also just decide to pack your bags and not play, if not, accept that mistakes can be made and deal with it.

That's all I have to say to you because you are part of that minute percentage we addressed and I honestly don't care about that percentage's opinion anymore as most of it is brainless and shortsighted 'moaning'.
But if I whine for long enough, will you make compromises for me....?

Your logic is so incredibly primitive that I have to spell it out for you publicly before you'll "officially" attempt to weakly justify it.

Even more hilariously, when somebody becomes privy to your screw ups and publicly calls you out, you claim they are "butthurt" rather than simply admitting they are right because your admin team failed at every single step of making accurate brackets. Every. Single. Step. And then took it further by making exceptions because you failed at every step.

......... Yet, apparently the 3 hours of bitching at the admins on teamspeak doesn't classify as "butthurt" that you'll ignore....

Let that sink in.

The ultimate piece of irony is that you claim to not care about a minority opinion (how very unbiased and objective of a truly fair admin), but you also claim that an honest analysis of the big picture/precedent of your own decisions is "brainless" and "shortsighted".

You honestly cannot dig any deeper into the case for being a poor admin.

I'm done here. Throwing in the towel. If one does not value logic and reason, there is no amount of logic and reason that will persuade him or her to value it.
image: insta7fsyk

We made a compromise for Unity because part of the mistake was one our side. You are just being a little shit about something that's not even directly affecting you during the group stage. But as I said short sighted and senseless moaning is all I hear from you as you don't even seem to have read the statement which explains everything and explains the compromise.

You're clouded by your inability to see past your hatred towards parcher, which I can understand you've got your reasons I've heard. I don't like parcher either, but atleast I can man up admit it. Unlike you who, just like parcher does, can't seem to stop kicking like a baby till you get the candies you want :)

But I'm glad to hear that you are done with it(hence the gif), because if you would actually read the disclaimer in the rules, you had no real point to begin with =)
seems like virus was dodging every sentence though tbh. alpha's right that the admin team didn't stick to the original rules just because unity threatened to drop out of the cup. if anything them dropping out would've made the whole 5 team group thing easier on the tournament. the solution to a team giving you such an ultimatum is: let them drop out. so it's their loss and not every other team in the cup's problem.
Personally I haven't even read what Virus had said in those logs, but whether it was against or in accordance with the rules doesn't matter from the get go since the conversation took place before we had finalized our rules. We've had a lot of individual ideas/views which with the insight of other admins were for example dismissed/reformed/corrected.

Also please point me towards a rule that deals with the situation where a team gets put in the wrong region.

And yes it's true that we'd prefer as many teams as possible to compete, we're a struggling community and excluding teams at this point would be a bad idea in my opinion.
That said the impression is being given here is that we gave in to demands from parcher because he threatened to leave the cup. I value teams but I don't value them that much that I would give in to attempts of sabotage. The reason Unity is where it is now is because parcher had actually made a valid point. They were suppose to be in the NA group regardless of opinion since the majority of their lineup was NA, that would have put them automatically in the NA group as is stated in the rules. The draws were however already done and as explained before it would have been too much of an impact to the cup in general to do it all again. Also Unity was not free of creating confusion either so we opted for a compromise.

On a side note this thing is getting borderline ridiculous to me, unity is already being heavily dealt with if you compare it to previous cups. They're no longer able to swap their players to gain an advantage from the server. They'll never be at their full potential if they choose to be a EU/NA mix on either server. Mind everyone that there's two admins that are also affected by this decision. That being myself and Adeto, do we give a shit however? no. Shape up as a team, don't put your eggs all in one basket and throw it all on ping. If you haven't figured out that there's more to RtCW than just aiming after such a long time then I don't know what to say in all honesty.
Matter of perspective really, speaking for me personally and for my team we would rather have 1 more match and play 1 map on a US server than having unity drop out. They may be assholes but atleast they are still around.

How is that a bad thing, AlphA is not an admin and he received information that was still being discussed. Also we said in every post we made that we didnt stick to the rule for a reason. Everyone is dicking about this because its unity if it had been cave or any other group of players people would have applauded because we tried to keep them in. Just people being butthurt reallly
How about go fuck yourself badetooo
In the words of the wise and mindful dtect: 'Well that's not very nice'
10~ teams play RTCW and there is still drama? Wow
i really dont know the problems? lol
Server location here and there. if a team wants to be number 1, the server doesnt matter! just improve and nobody have to talk about servers location anymore.

we all should be happy that rtcw still have cups. so stfu and play :*
That's how I thought people would react to this, but apparently butthurt is the key word in everyones mind
Can I get that on repeat please?
The whine is strong with this one.
At this point in the game who really gives two shits. Unity will NEVER win a cup as long as raw and phase are still active. No american team will beat phase or raw regardless of the server. Parcher has demonstrated that RTCW is literally all he has to live for and will continue to do whatever it takes to try to win a cup even though he probably wont win until phase or raw have become so old and frail that they are no longer able to put together enough force to push down their W A S D keys. Everyone enjoy the game, enjoy whoever still plays it and have fun.
Finally another american besides Virus who opens his mouth and isn't being a 5 year old about the situation :D
You shouldn't encourage CKY, he'll just keep coming back.
Complementing him :D not calling him out
respect fX-AlphA <3
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