Cheaters ruining what's left of ET

I made timestamps for the admin demo review crew, is that still alive? Who should I send them to? Are they friends with these players or seriously why are they still allowed to play?

The only player I didn't make timestamps was wassabi because I didn't see any obvious plays from him(but feel free to correct that if I missed them) . The rest of the players were cheating so openly that it was very easy.
I forgot how many times upload shot base behind walls.
Also, weren't all these players busted at least once and some 2 and 3 times? Not that it matters , but it tells us something...about these guys.

Player Botek and player Upload cheat for so long that it became normal for everyone?

Well , please tell me who to send these and I hope I didn't waste my time, or just watch the game yourself.

Anyone willing to defend these guys?
I am not willing to defend any of those 6. Good job on making timestamps!

You can send the timestamps to ohurcool ( and he will most likely forward it to the democrew.
from what ive played vs. upload hes been using humanized bot probably, but its pretty much impossible to prove
same goes for proman

oh yeah and outlaw i remember blantantly cheating in the past (3+ years ago) and being a MASSIVE retard

good players :))
outlaw was busted like every year atleast 3 times
he has been playing 3o3s on highest lvl past 5 or 6 years to play with humanized aimbot agaisnt medskills.
Because letto means the past 5 or 6 years. And upload has never been as good as he is playing right now.
u can improve ur skills...
Yes, a real coincidence it happens when the anti-cheat is gone. Great thinking once again Nejm
? he played agaisnt much worse opponent than queens from 2011/12 and still couldnt win... where the fuck is a logic? where did u see him playing better than in past
nejm is talking bullshit again, upload came "good player" in 2010 he was utter shit in 2008/9 eventho they were winning some games in ladder at that time with krycha (and eventually both got busted if I dont remember wrong after being quite obvious against defix).

Doubt upload is cheating tho, rest wouldn't surprise me.
+1 about upload
he was already cheating in 2010, but no one gave a fuck / could see it in my team :D
this is nothing new but et ppl are bitches and they dont care ... too bad
Nothing new about upload...

others are clean tho , dunno about outlaw & base
gj swanidius, but why did u post it under fake name?
I hope you made of everyone timestamps in this war (dunno about gizmo/yokoo) but the others :)

like timbolina said: send it to ohurcool
Who the fuck are base gismo and outlaw anyway?

Is it the first base from 2.55?
outlaw is a multibusted cheater, cheating since he started ET like 7 years ago. no idea from where the other 2 come from :P Don't think gizmo is/was cheating, but base definitly at some point
come on everybody knows that base and co are cheating or did. they were good after tzac, then low or didnt even wanted to play with uac, then again med+ and now with cgac they are back to normal low+/med-..

gizmo played on a lan and did well when my brain isnt fucked up..

outlaw and other dutch guys are loling at the admins :)
Und diese lan soll wo gewesen sein?:D
hm well outlaw and gizmo played on a lan :P

Team Bomb Squad and Team Decerto

thanks god you are so in love with my brain that i can a lot more in the future without taking any damage :)
wtf did i just read
meinst du ich habe doch ein paar Zellen verloren? :(
nene paar ist ein wenig untertrieben meine liebe kittoris
Ah good times
bomb squad and effectus* >:[
hm true... i should drink less :(
Heard that eddo and kevin were speccing gizmo on that lan and laughing hard cuz bad
dunno how would you play on your first lan with guys speccing you 2 cm away from your anus?
domi was very good on lan

I am also very good online :P
base did cheat for a little time (imo)...gizmo is just a fucking nerd and outlaw is obv busted cheater lol
No way, cheaters in ET now?
Base definitely using wh from time to time, he's a huge moron and can't stand the fact that there are tons of better players.
almost everyone in the competitive ET scene is cheating nowadays...
hacking last year, hacking this year, about time other people are starting to realise
outlaw cheating? cannot be
Laughing at all you paranoid guys haha
wow upload, such cheater, wow

Unless all your timestamps can be found during the third map, I can tell you that after watching the first two maps out of boredom and spectating BOLEK there was absolutely nothing fishy we could discuss. No idea about the others.
do u prefer jiN or whisky silentbro?
You hurt my feelings :(
:[ Jin is also okay :]
No shit
Cheaters everywhere, except nejm.
do not bust upload please, he's our last hope to win NC this year
i remember reading somewhere that upload was one of the strongest aimers atm and everybody agreed with it, now hes called cheater scum.
get yourself togheter users
Well it may be tricky, but upload was decent during TZ-AC (when it was updated?) also good, maybe his dominance nowadays is because of the lack of REALLY good players playing regularly or that they play with him?...

I rly dont get this hate. Im not defendin him but he could make a top damages, or even win with decent teams in slac/tzac era so what the fuck is wrong with this people :p
Well i know its nothing, but still, he would have been caught anyway if he really did cheat at this time, would he? :<
around these times (the linked matches) was when the banwaves came (+300 names?) and upload wasn't caught on any of those nor did he get a skilldrop like other cheaters did. really he performed exactly the same throughout the whole slac/tzac period without dropping skill at any point (which cheaters do when they get scared of being caught).

also I played against him since like 2008 and he was pretty similar player back then, strong aim but he didn't have as much knowledge in the game as he has now.
Now I must say this is bullshit :D

I don't know if you watched the game but the whole game is fullfilled with retarded actions what only wallhackers could do. Detecting wallhack through demos is more like checking his actions and positionings than checking if he is tracking guys through the walls :( Seriously this game was more like public game than some skilled 3v3 official war
I didn't watch the demo that's why I'm not commenting on it :p but people have been whining about upload cheating for years but he's never had a skilldrop regardless of any anticheat or 'list' drama. D:
Cheating in ET?!?!?
low aimers
Gg patryck
wassabi and yokoo are the clean ones 8) upload base outlaw gizmo the obvious one. in that order!
watched base outlaw and upload for a while and didnt saw much obvious
image: shot0005 watch this moment and listen his shots -follow botek 3rd live delivery round 2
XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD can u keep it up man I can't stop laughing
the funny thing is...he did shot, listen up, and watch all the def round, prefire all the time in the lower office
wow such sherlok wow
how did botek know he was there? ? ? ? ?
I think he had a script for spawntime if I look at this screenshot :)
nice fast reply
im refreshing it every 14 secs
nice, im refreshing every 29 seconds
lol, thats stupid
gg busted.
come on we weren't even decent during that match
its so typical for lowskilled and low experienced cheaters
pls follow BOTEK /yoko SW2 delivery 3rd live XD
I look forward to seeing these guys perform on the same level at the next major lan event.
There won't be a major lan event anymore

Everyone with a stripe is dead, rotting in their graves
Maybe just allow aimbots and whs finally to make games more even.
thenw e should change the game to blacklight retribution
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