Extraction players?

Does anyone from here play the alpha/beta or whatever stage it's in now?
I recently installed it again but don't recognize anyone except maybe 1 or 2 players.
Worth reinstalling? Wasn't really holding my attention 4-5 months ago.
It has definitely changed from what it was in 2013 when I last played it. I think it will turn out great if they continue working on it.
have it installed beacuse i was curious if they polished more and what it was like now after 3/4 months of not playing. Came online literally 0 players playing at 8pm cet -_-
I was linked to some site that shows whenever people are online. I always use it and get to play with at least 10 people on for an hour or so, maybe more. If you pm me through the dirty bomb/ extraction closed forums I can link it. Just not through here cuz of the NDA bs.
I have it, however, my pc is too trash and I get like 15 fps on lowest settings so It's un-playable for my at the moment until I upgrade.
I used to get 20 fps with my old crap PC. I get 120+ now without a config (still low IMO)
Sadly, there is nothing you can do until you upgrade :(
i played it a bit but i dont see any news, is the game dead?
Not really, I think it's only being discussed in the private forums by testers because of the NDA. Also, their new site is under development so maybe the news will start coming once that is fixed.
played it also but ... ho yes had more important things to do
Still waiting for key image: BibleThump

oh well...
seems decent last time i played but i get 50000000fps but it feels like there is mouse lag so i stopped playing and gave up.
looking for a key pm :)
But it was really fun when I used to get about 50+ fps! But they need to release Beta to everyone soon otherwise they will lose support.
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