6on6 prac vs NC Netherlands

Since team Netherlands already has been announced, we would like to prac versus them ,just to see what they are capable of. There is much fuss about the active decent players not being in the line-up or back-up. We all know nepotism has been in team Netherlands for ages,so we'd like to show that there are better/active players around.

Line up:
Netherlands insAne
Netherlands GiZmOoo
Netherlands KARMA
Netherlands base
Netherlands outlAw
Netherlands Aie

Netherlands juA
Netherlands Efax

We would atleast appreciate it if we get a chance to prove ourselves

Nederlandse nozems
Nederlandse nozems ready to rape!
interesting :_D
Of all those people, only one considerable for dutch lineup I would say kARMA :)
I dont even think he played any 6o6.
On ET I guess no, but from this bunch he's the only one I'd want on my team :D (and I know I'm not in team NL but you get my point)
Even if this "showmatch" is played and you guys somehow win, what is this supposed to accomplish? Do you really think timbolina is gonna replace all six of the players he's chosen with the six of you? :P
Nope thats not it, just to prove this team of inactive players isnt good.
The only way to attempt to prove that is for them to play a showmatch versus a team that is actually good (or just wait and see how they perform in the NC itself, of course). No offense intended, but this team you've put together isn't "good" by NationsCup standards either.
The thing that's just annoying is that active better players dont get a chance to prove themselves; everyone only judges the 'names'. I'm quite sure individually most of these players are on the same level if not on a higher level than the names shown. This is just a way of protest
Well most of the old names are actually lan-proven and shit can't say that about those people
Name me one better player than from my lineup.
Aim-wise your lineup might have some "better" players, but teamplay, experience and lets not forget 6on6 wise, hell naw.
Idd, aim-wise they might be as good as team NL but tp etc,.. :p
Lol didnt know bout this. Anyway if there will be any kind of match ill play:p
base at ts:"kanker i dont play 6o6 shut up"
you know delivery isn't played in 6on6, right?
happens :)
my 2nd 3on3 after 2 weeks; overall actually since 2 years. Oh, and check the lineup.

compared to them pretty good result. 3on3 and 6on6 is a huge difference buddy
What's so funny about that? These guys have been crying that they are in 2nd division of that CG season, I was drunk and Im nowhere near med+, jezztor is lagging jezztor and mental isn't as active as he used to be :D
there is something wrong with my ET man :( im gonna try to reinstall it today and make a fancy journal in here ! i get like baaaad fps lags and fps stays around 20 :S
Had the same yesterday during that first offi with that AC
Sad being you are
who the fuck are you? I just know outlaw
I see 4 cheaters... no just no
This guys! gl but i think they wont do that :)
go play vs sw1ruz's team poland best team. gonna be great match, team sw1ruz vs team simen wannabies
That's a good idea! Both wants a showmatch to proof their skills. Show them and let us enjoy the showmatch vs Poland2 vs netherlands2. And we'll look at the teamwork etc, not about who will win cause 1 match doesn't say anything.

So Netherlands vs those 6 others (with 3 clean players?) doesn't make sence :D
gut idea :--D
i remember playing 3s against outlaw. raped his shitty team every time with him hacking his left nutsack off. you suck. hope you die. the end.
thank you for that
kenn ich nich
With all due respect, there's nothing wrong with a little bit of competition in a game that died several years ago. This match actually would be fun and we're not trying to be offensive at all against timbolina's team. It's just that there are enough decent players that deserve a chance to be seen. I think I may speak for lots of players in the Netherlands as in other countries that agree with this. Sure, they'll play NC, sure they'll get the support, but the players representing a nation should be a team with players that stand out in contrary to other players. I cannot say that with certainty in this case.

A fun match would be nice;
keeps players enthousiasm up,
gives a taste what competition we're dealing with,
and above all, what we're trying to proof, shows that are enough decent players willing to participate instead of (respected) oldschool players that had there shot several years ago in a row.

you didn't get picked, deal with it
nice braindamage
you didn't get picked, deal with it
nice braindamage
you didn't get picked, deal with it
lol perfo gona rape u hard even with though hes been inactive for a year r so
why the hell your comments are always so brilliant
perfo thinks you're shit btw
wasnt there a similar journal for nc team poland vs those other polish guys? it got deleted , not sure why, what happened
Winner takes over NC
i dont see the problem in a showmatch, give em a shot :p

half this 'challenging lineup' lost to benchwarmers.NL less than a month ago IN 3ON3 :D and you're really serious that half these players are even capable of playing 6on6? god damn they even lost delivery.
http://www.gamestv.org/event/46989-charism-et-vs-team-gizmo/statistics/ and they still pick them over gizmo or karma :D

Thought you would have known better comparing 3v3 matches with 6v6, doenst make sense at all. what makes you think we cant play 6v6? Cus we lost a 3v3 match? Ah okey. We just wanna give it a try, no need to hate or flame,get it over with lol
Outlaw is the only one of you who has ever played ET 6on6 on a decent level. Not even sure if the other 5 have ever been in a 6on6 before.
You know better than that comment. Tijden gespeeld met jou en robert potze, die hagenees en de rest van de reutemeteut.
I know better? Those times we played low+ 6on6's. Not NC skill 6on6.
those times on 2.55 when we played with ICBM and CEB

oh great times
its not that hard for a 3on3 player to adapt to 6on6; the other way around tho is much harder.
On top of that, i'm sure all of us played enough 6on6 matches or mixes atleast to know how to deal with 6on6
I won't argue, karma is quite a decent player and does have some 6o6 experience and guys like gizmo/outlaw/yourself have a good enough aim that playing rambo in 6on6 could pay off every now and then on some supply double fullhold. but realistically here team NL will be aiming for at least top3 and only an experienced team (like the current NL lineup) would have any chance of challenging eg. UK/PL/FI/DE. being active sure is beneficial but that doesn't make any of you better than people who've proven themselves as top level material. and who's to say they won't try to keep in shape? :P
Its ok. Timbolina did the same as xperia did, just some friends playin together. We just wanna play a prac/showmatch vs em, doenst seem like a big problem to me
well actually timbolina wanted to try out karma & gizmo but a couple of the others had better players in mind.
"Better players" ";D
that's according to them. :P some choose experience over activity.
Let's not forget that personality and attitude both play a huge role in a team setting.
Its true what both Oxy and Artstar say.
pick me for team de. ! :D Meine kukusuhr! ich leibe dich :D huehueheu
wait what??

QuoteTimbolina did the same as xperia did, just some friends playin together

I think timbolina had atleast 6 tryouts... And in first phase he wanted karma & gizmo (what artstar said) but with these other tryouts he had the best team: experience, aim, tp , 6on6 wise .. all together.
what about the backups? I'm sure they are chosen randomly cuz i just lolled when i saw the list
well personally I don't rate Testi (aim only barely gibbing) but stib is well-seasoned (experienced) and played top level before, reVo idk, he's clearly capable to compete but maybe they know he's good on comms and stuff.
Stibs a rifle anyway and reVo is a monster when active
reVo is a fucking monster even if inactive
Showmatchje altijd leuk


waiting on 6 Austrian guys to challenge the actual 6on6 NC team austria
the same will happen with cze I guess
And Norway! wait, 6 players.
That may happen :D
netherlands cheaters united !
Ohhhh god no...
gg tim its all your fault
Ive been making nerds mad since 1975
i apologize for my overreaction
You got it coming for you now bleekscheet! :D <3
someone is mad here :D
I agree with some of the reactions about the comparison in experience.
But based on your assumptions you cant level a team.
a show match would be a good statement for both of the teams.
If you win it shows def. that experience and all of that > us,
if not, nothing changes. We've proven our point.

Wees niet zo op je pikkie getrapt. This could be great;)
Wie is hier nu op ze pikkie getrapt door een nieuw team te vormen en via een journal laten weten dat je een showmatch wil?????
Voor zover ik kan lezen ben ik enige die hier normaal antwoord. Ik flame niemand, stel alleen iets voor waar je overigens nog geen antwoord hebt gegeven. Nogmaals; it could be fun. Je geeft typische reacties come to the point already tim.

edit: ik heb geen team gevormd, ik heb geen post gedaan maar goed geprobeerd.
Er komt geen showmatch, want voor mij valt er niks te bewijzen. Ik vind team NL nu een heel sterke line-up hebben. Daarbij komt nog dat ik karma en gizmo nog de kans wilde geven, maar is niet doorgegaan door Artstar gegeven redenen. Ik kijk ook naar het teambelang.

Daarnaast zitten er een paar spelers tussen die ik niet vertrouw. Dat is sowieso al een reden om er uberhaupt niks mee te willen.
Agree, you've got a strong lineup, the strongest? Dubious. It's your task as a capt to look at the bigger picture above individuals.

You dont trust some players? So what you're basically saying is when in the cup your team has to play against players you dont "trust", you simply wont let them play?
Hoe kan je er nu van uitgaan dat de lineup in deze journal ook maar iets in de buurt komt van de huidige NL lineup? Deze is puur in elkaar geflanst om wat aandacht te krijgen. Denk je niet dat ik iedere speler al heb overwogen om mee te laten tryouten op ze minst? Nouja niet iedereen, maar wel enkele in de lineup hierboven.
Je bedoelt in de buurt komt in de zin van bekende namen mag ik hopen. Want toen jij nog geen idee had van e.t was ik er al. je hebt perfo lamp en aphesia in stagnerende volgorde echte beasts. Voor de rest had je beter kunnen overwegen for that matter.
Je hebt echt geen idee waarover je lult he. Die lineup die hier boven in het journal staat hebben behalve van outlaw, geen fucking experience in 6on6, en dan nog niet vergeten dat deze 6on6 niet een random IRC war is, maar 70% van de tijd ook tegen mensen die meestal toch echt wel weten wat ze doen.
Die reply was naar tim niet naar jou. Blijf in je mand
Doe nou maar gewoon rustig mannetje. Je loopt het op een public forum te posten, dus iedereen die wilt en kan reageren doet dat gewoon. Bij een discussie mogen er meerdere partijen meedoen. Dus ga zelf terug naar je mand.
Je claimt dat deze mannen geen 6o6 experience hebben op basis van welke feiten? Het weer in Noorwegen? Als je niet veel weet zou ik ook niet veel praten. Vooral als het niet tegen jou is.

Tim je was duidelijk. GL
Op het feit dat ik de laatste jaren bijna alle OC's,NC's en sommige ECs heb gespeeld, en de enigste die ik ooit heb gezien was outlaw. Daarop, en waarop wil jij je feiten baseren? Het feit dat je 4? jaar geen ET hebt gespeeld?
Ik heb geen feiten genoemd. De kern van deze post die niet door mij is gepost was om andere spelers ook een kans te geven. Enkel zitten speculeren.
insane laat maar zitten man, pak je rust :D
Ik speel sinds 2004 ET. Maar dat is de point niet echt lijkt me. Ik ben gegaan voor de mensen met de meeste 6o6 ervaring, die voldoende actief zijn voor pracs en individueel goede teamplayers zijn en of aimers. Verder hoef ik er niet op in te gaan. Mocht je nog wat willen weten stuur me een PM zal ik daarop antwoorden.
volgens mij weet jij niet eens hoe goed vanQ is op 6on6. maargoed
cgac ed
ROFL, you fucking apes. Even if all from current team NL wouldn't play for a decade, you smugs would still get bashed like nothing in a 6on6.
who is this smart boi? Netherlands ?
Netherlands insAne - returned after CB switched to CG so all bans dissapeared + tzac was down
Netherlands GiZmOoo - mr.deliver at his best as always. Decent on other maps.
Netherlands KARMA - no idea what he is doin here. Guess he knows gizmo somehow.
Netherlands base - The most hilarious and arrogant cheater ever in ET. Some say after mutiple fails with wallhack in game, he actually got busted. Got skilled after tzac went offline. Delivery only, useless in other maps
Netherlands outlAw - Banned like 10 times, though the biggest 6on6 experience here i guess, pity.
Netherlands Aie - Who the fuck is he?
Thanks but do your research better.
Quite the good summary.
You should join them NetherlandsMr.Goldfishje zhehe :D
Sorry, but you must mean NorwayGoldfishje?
Dat flag change tho
There's a 1400+km distance between them countries son!
Ok master :(
jeg kan spilar med dig :D og Lakai skal "comeback" :D
0 days
Profile hits: 6

Ben je boos??
ye im very mad
Aie = Scowieso
still no idea who the fuck he is
fucking dirty newschooler
how fucking dare you call me dirty
i hope its a joke... in the current nl lu everyone played 6o6 for ages and also several times in EC... what about u? 98% of ur games were 3o3s and u can fucking compare 3o3 with 6o6, that r 2 different playstyles.
eventhough lampje and perfo would bash u anytime without nerding this game 24/7
but w/e timbo set up a good lu
They're serious.. :D

But its a good try. If they want to proof their 6v6 skills. They can also play a 6on6 ladder match vs a team :) lets see than
played indeed!!!
The thing he wants to tell you, sum of them are inactive and are friends with the teamleader. Becouse they played in the past shouldnt be the reason to get a direct invite.

I know the current lineup is the strongest one if they play a few matches, but it isnt fair to the active players, invite them, play some matches, i think gizmo and karma even outlaw could handle this or be a backup.
They play atleast a few matches/week ... So it won't be the first match they'll play in the NC since they came back :D
I know, played them yesterday :)
your all sluts stfu who wants to buy a headset?
20 Lamberts a Freddo and a crate of Special Brew?
ill buy it if you promise to brush your teeth you fugly carpet muncher
bereik je niks mee elke captain heeft zijn maten :)
NL in need xPERiA saKen SQuid joshua JALLAAAAAA L4mpje overboost !
1/2 of that lineup cheating and still medskill
/q swiruz
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