FPS drop

So, i have recently switched from Windows XP to Win7 and i copied my ET folder from XP and put it on 7. i never had FPS so low. I used to have stable 125 on XP but now on 7 i have innormally FPS drops. moving from 20- 40 max.

Need help.

r_primitives or something on 2
any changes in your pc specs?
already done that. Nah i didnt change specs. only from XP to 7
how much ram do you have?
Reply button :)
what gives r_primitives command actually? i've got an old pc, usually got fps drops, it's gonna help or something for me too?
Primitives have an influence on how RTCW renders its graphics. "0" is auto select, "1" is single gldrawelements, "2" is multiple gldrawelements.
nope, it's just for newer systems. It actually made my FPS worse than the default.
you need a better cfg of the your computer
drop it like its hot
Snoop Dogg ! <3
etpro/other mod pb or no pb servers? Otherwise suggest trying a default config to rule out some old cvar settings that may not work on your newer PC.

for ETPro.
Some etpro public servers still use pb
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