Poland's new mass destruction weapon

Poland has been working on this mass destruction weapon in case of World War III.

Is Poland now cataloged as one of the most powerful countries in Europe?
How are we going to be affected by this?
Will USA and Russia stand a chance against Poland?

Discuss & debate.
safety first :D
Ri Stary aren't you banned on here?
its weapon to kill some dirty romanian.
Posted by poor Romanian, fuck logic, hahaha :XD
Was thinking the same :D
still better than whole romanian army tho
przecież twój ojciec trzyma to działo stary chuju
the main goal of this action was to run fast as you can
jazda z frajerem
i'm sorry if you're upset about this situation. was that trash can your home?
Always a pleasure to upset the while polish community <3
Fun fact, there's discussion going on in comments on youtube [pl] about being to fuck up whole romania with that weapon.
I laughed so 1/10
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