All Star teams

League Of Legends All Star teams just got announced. OMG DAT TEAM ICE BOTLANE (Doublelift, Madlife.)

Team Ice: CLG Doublelift, ALL Froggen (Captain), CJ Frost Madlife, WE Caomei and SGJ Archie.
Team Fire: GMB Diamond (Captain), TSM Bjergsen, CJ Frost Shy, WE Weixiao and SGJ QTV

Who do you think will take the game?

Imma go with Ice!

image: gzgzn

Lil herb best flow in this rapgameeeeeeeeeeee

shit game noskill requirement
shit game boring, for kids, Fairies fans...Otaku's
no maknooooooooooooon? Wont even bother.
fire looks better
dota looks so much better
With 80% cdr I doubt they will play adc+support botlane...
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