Need 5th for LoL ranked team tonight

requirements: skype/teamspeak, gold and above, speak english/estonian, you can play top or support

we're on EUNE and gonna play in ~1 hour. if you're interested add kjagla on EUNE.
diamond only, sorry
diamond only, sorry
unranked only, sorry
diamond only, sorry
shit game dont want to play sorry
u have a spare acc on that shitsvr?^^
Heya I can play for you guys top/support fiddle only, I'm challenger on EUNE and NA and diamond on EUW and I'm a very good fiddle, I will dodge if I can't play fiddle or afk or troll but if you let me play fiddle it's a 95% certainty win (unless you troll yourselves)

Send me a message here or kill yourselves

PS: fiddle only
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