Laptop congfig, anyone?

Is there any1 with a decent laptop cfg? Or any laptop user who can give me some advices? I have some Asus K53T laptop which is not that bad tho. Got unstable fps's on any map. I was so desperated that ive been usin Razer Game Booster also but it seemed like not helpin at all. My resoution in game is 1366 x 768, otherwise this game is 'windowed'

image: 1620548_381945615280434_1880221720_n
image: 923024_245035218971475_608833478_n
image: 168874_247726168702380_1161425304_n
image: 559846_222194557922208_797944250_n
image: 483760_231955116946152_1288608042_n
image: 531556_204700519671612_124147628_n

dobra wypierdalaj trajharderze
r_primitives 2
its not even working
r_wiecejefpeesuf 1
Hm put com_maxfps 95 r_mode -1 and then r_customheight 800 r_ customwidth 800 might help had the Same Problem unstabile fps
One more Thing Check ts in Option for some Comand called Echo you should put bought Off els you get fps drops too ,found it a few days Out

"Echo abschwächung" bei aufnahme diggn?, got dem horrible lägs while ts3'ing.. thought its the channel-codec all the time --'
(sweet share*)
Ja genau beide Off Dan hast stabile fps
Kannst auh ingame r_displayrefresh machen sollte das auf 60 sein lägt man auch dann minimieren und destop auf 75 machen Easy Gaming
fucking modus man
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