Camtrace 3D error

Hey , i'm trying to make my own fragmovie so i had to use Camtrace but i got a problem.

After i captured all the Cams ect... When i try to exec it , it starts working but then it says in the console : Couldn't exec Cam001.cfg and it stops. , even if everything is in my etmain folder and the commands are the right ones.

Didn't find any solutions if someone knows , thanks a lot !
-you should have the camera file in etpro folder
-dont give it a name like "cam" it like "someshitcamforradar" or whatever you want
-the trace of the camera shouldnt go through walls and stuff
-look at the setup of the camera if you dont have made some mistake like short time or smthg like that
-try the camera with different ET configs
-and of course you should be in freecam to run it....
yeee :D your comment is helpfull as always anyway i wanted to do the same smile but the good guy in me won and now im on my way to heaven :DDDD
It helped way more than yours random hovnos launcher :S
Thanks a lot man , will try it now ;)

Snatix fucking baguette :{D
Post your cam, throw all the cfgs in zip and upload.
Well i finally found what was wrong.

By default when i save the camtrace project by pressing CTRL+Spacebar , at the end of the file Cam there is the line : exec "etmain\cam001.cfg" and it should be : exec "cam001.cfg" otherwise it doesn't work.

Thanks a lot anyways , i hope it will help some of the ones who had the same problem.
Quotei'm trying to make my own fragmovie so i had to use Camtrace

That's your problem right there.
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