League of legends searching team


I'm searching a ranked team for league of legends. I main support.

- Ranked S3, cuz retarded adc's. (I suck at carry champs)
- TS/Ventrilo
- Pretty active

Add me: strangos

K thx bye!
you are not the only one stuck ;( i know this feeling bro
i had to start in b4 this season >.>.
what you play as support mostly ?
tresh or alistar. Those 2 i like the most
pro adc here
i hate this whine, elohell here, elohell there -.-
i started in b3 this season and now im g1 and i only play support and for sure soloq, best supps to carry thresh<3, leona<3, zyra<3 and morg<3
so fucking boring to play that amount of rankeds with support only lol :o
actually in season4 it makes more fun to play supp, cant wait for braum xD
and i wanted to show a friend that i can also get out from bronze while playing supp only ;P but then i enjoyed it and im also supp in my team
try to support as nunu, rly nice with a good cait ^^
he was good in s3 before the nerfs now there r stronger supps imo
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