Titan change shox for kennyS

Yup thats right! Crazy CS:GO news
Read more at: http://www.hltv.org/news/12391-titan-change-shox-for-kennys
he left titan, own decision. NiP shox soon? :O
Hahahahaha finally, smithzz wasn't a bad awp though
wtf you on about? :D
smithzz can go back to normal plays, kennyS epic awper <3
well, kennyS was kinda missing in the team, shox was doing quite a decent job but I think smithzz isn't even nearly as effective with the awp as kennyS is
they replaced the best aimer in the team :D
and replaced him by probably the best awper in the game :p
he's not even close to being best awp in this game
are you seriously trying to tell me there is someone more effective than him atm? :D
ther is, he only plays awp 24/7 yes he gets some sick kills but that's it, nothing outstanding in my eyes, seen alot better awps.
RIP Clan-Mystik
I get him. They didn't win a single event with that lineup. So GL shoxie.
Old VG is back, dis guna bi gud
Kenny is awesome.. sometimes :D
shox's new team top 3 soon :D
quote shox:
"Today a page turns: I decided to put an end to my collaboration with Titan. The Gaming house involves a lot of obligations affecting my private life so I expressed the wish not to continue in these conditions. I am thankful to Titan for this experience, thanks to Jérôme, Nathan, Kévin, Edouard and Adil for all the great moments we lived together. There is no doubt they will bounce back in the best possible way, I only wish them the best."
possible the best player right now
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