TONIGHT! ESL Revival Cup

ESL Enemy Territory Revival Cup

image: esl-banner

Tonight will be the first edition of the ESL Revival Cup. There will be more cups later on to see what the interest is in getting back with ESL. Also, for tonight ESL Wire will not be used as they had not enough time to refine the program. Therefore if you are going to attend the cup you will need to add your PB ID to your ESL profile. This is how you can add your ETPro PB guid.

Quote by VexusConnect to an empty ETPro - server, open the console and then enter the following commands:

/condump guids.txt

Afterwards you will find a "guids"-named text - document in your ETPro - folder where your GUID will be listed.

All you will have to do now is add this guid to your ESL - account. To do this follow the following instructions:

Follow this link:
Select "ETPro GUID" at "Type" and enter your GUID behind it.
A screenshot is not necessary as it is you first entry.

There were several complaints about the cup's date. This is not really a problem as there are more cups that will follow.

Cup date: 30th of April, 20:30 CET (GMT +1)

Team format: 6on6

Additional information:
Broadcast: Yes
Shoutcast: No

The mappool for the ESL Enemy Territory Revival Cup:

6 x 1 Month ESL Premium codes

Round 1: radar
Round 2: sw_goldrush_te
Round 3: bremen_b3
Semi Final: both teams pick a map
Grand Final: both teams pick a map

United Kingdom MattjA
France crakage

Miscellaneous information:
Signups till 20:29 CET (GMT +1)
Check-in start from 20:00 till 20:29 CET (GMT +1)

If there are any questions that are not listed in the text above, please contact an admin.

IRC channel: -
Sign up link:
Info & Details:
nice to hear keep it up!
can merc pm me
need merc for this cup pm me at irc nick igi
with only 5 teams that probably are playing the Schedule isnt that nice :P
it's a bad day for some nations because of - which I'm sure you're aware of. :P all of the people from the most active nations will have some teammates who'd prefer to go and do some celebrating or w/e than playing tonight. bad date I suppose.
avi for a good team
be there
Can't wait image: Kappa
QuoteTherefore if you are going to attend the cup you will need to add your PB ID to your ESL profile

What's the point? The server wont be using PB, majority of the players probably won't even have PB installed, or a guid for that matter. Seems rather silly.
The only reason they force PB guid is for player recognition.
Which is pointless given the fact that no servers nor clients will be running it?! All they're doing is adding a nuisance to the players. Probably even forcing difficulties onto some people, as the PB setup for ET, including the generating of a key can be more than annoying. All for what? A random 13 letter guid on their site? I'd recommend or suggest anyone that has to go through this task to just bash their keyboard a few times and enter any random sequence of letters/numbers, as opposed to actually dealing with PB.
Forcing PB :'D
We were considering to play this cup, but with PB it's a no thanks.I won't install this crap software on my computer -.-
They had 3 months (!) to prepare for this cup, and now they are talking this shit about "not enough time to refine the program"

ESL... same story since... ever xD

I admire you timbo, your patience for those guys in amazing :P
Such a shame we have holidays tomorrow and celebration today, so like most of the people are going out..
Shame, would play it...

gl and brilliant job as usual by timbo :p
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