CGAC - Version 1.4.4 Released

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Quote by JonnAnother day, another release! Following a series of unidentified errors in the previous version, we have been working hard over this past week to rectify these issues, and following a series of successful tests, we are pleased to announce the arrival of version 1.4.4, marking the next minor update to CGAC.

To install this update, please load the previous version and run the automated installer. Should this update fail, download this file, and overwrite the CGAC.exe file in the CyberGamer Anti-Cheat installation directory (default: C:\Program Files (x86)\CyberGamer).

Click here if you have not yet installed CGAC.

The most important note: CGAC 1.4.4 is now working on Windows XP
xp is king
so does it mean atlast cgac actually detects sth or another random update ?
It works for XP, what more do you expect.

E: Dont worry, you wont get busted
how ironic that it is you asking this :-D
Finally jeztor can use the cgac now
:D :D :D
1week without reinstalling would be nice
Reading helps!

QuoteTo install this update, please load the previous version and run the automated installer.
didnt read indeed, got bored after ive seen this journal 7times for the past 3weeks
System.Windows.Markup.XamlParseException: 'The invocation of the constructor on type 'CGAC.MainWindow' that matches the specified binding constraints threw an exception.'Line number '3' and line position '9'. --> SystemFormatException: String was not recognized as a valid Boolean.

uninstall cgac, reinstall it than go to the cybergamer folder and delete the file login.ini
Does this mean I won't have the same error as before, mister Zuzu?
should be fixed for 2 weeks already, but you have to check it by your own ;p
This just comes to show I haven't play for more than two weeks, haha
What the fuck this lagg with the new version? omgomg
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