Randomness in Iceland

Whatup boys and girls!

So tonight was a fun night, came to work at 22 and my boss told me that there was somekinda EVE Online party tonight and that we could expect up to 600 ppl to come to the bar (work as a doorman/bouncer) cause as some of you know there is some annual EVE fan fest going on here in iceland.
Fair enough been working the last few nights and was expecting the same group of guys to come (your typical american steriotype geeks) so the "nerd" starts to fill up the place but all of a sudden in walks this tall guy with his wife took a quick look at him and i knew i had seen him before, and indeed it was our beloved United KingdomTosspoT so i told him right away that i was just as big of nerd as the guys who where there and i had to get a picture.
He was the cool guy he is and 30 mins later when it slowed down i got the pic, had a quick chat with him but couldn't really talk long as the place was packed and i had to work.

So ye was great to see him cause as many of you know ive never been to lan and never met anyone of you nerds irl

image: 25insqd

(as you can see the nerds had already spilled a few beers over me and i look like a fucking retard cause of the flash :D )

TLDR:met United KingdomTosspoT in a bar in iceland was random
Which one is TosspoT
How many people actually showed up?

If he comes tonight, make him pay his debt to me, I cut you in with 30%.
god your so fat...
lol <:D
Tosspot, the big business man lol
Damn, Tosspot really let himself go.
phyzic pls get rid of that fat. u look like a fucking mcdonald's mascot
inb4 bearmode
this is where he works out.. i guess u guys would say that these r allso fat mc donalds eating cunts? image: 01dc6337573e5b0c902805f31b0b2195924465806fd7f84f005c71aaa6ab0a87
damn so many fatties
get face and muscles!
The one and only, TosspoT
that fat guy is phyzic ?
I don't think it's the flash that made you look like a retard
One time I found TosspoT hanging out in my pool, nothing suspicous there image: 2169924-kappa
wtf you cum on his t-shirt? xDDDDDDDD
Crossfire 2014 - The Bitchy Queen Community

"oh my god', he's SOOOOOOOOOO fat"

Worse than faggots, lol
A little smile would be better :S
Nice physique!
Nice pectonichon !
he didnt recognize you?
Tough guys commenting on some1 else's physique, yet not share a pic of themselves. Priceless.
you realize you just comented on some1 else's physique commenting some1 else's physique, yet not sharing pic of yourself?
Ladies and gentlemen may I present: a failed attempt at smartassing. There's a clear difference between a judgement and a comment, feel free to google the difference or edit your post, as you should realize you're talking bullshit.
alright einstein, feel free to share a picture of yourself now
Wait what? I didn't give anyone shit for their looks, so why should I post a picture of myself? Don't comment on a sentence you didn't even fully understand, imbecile.
haha afraid of showing yourself? Don't worry I was shy as well when was younger. Hopefully you'll man up sometime.
I'm 23, so I seriously doubt you're older than me. No social anxities or whatsoever, I just don't see the point in showing a pic of myself to some total stranger. If you put some effort into it, you'll probably find me on the FB cf group though.

But hey now that we broke the ice, YOU might aswell share a pic of yourself, real life hero.
alright then... here you go:
image: article-2536446-1A84279400000578-194_306x423

your turn
Classic. Ya know, If u try to fake your identity, you should atleast put some effort into it. Only had to rightclick and get the link to convict you as a bullshitter. So your name isn't Brad, but Jack Darby, you're not from Denmark, but Wolverhampton, uK - seems legit. Ever heard of TinEye? Obviously not.
You may aswell read these:

How dumb are you? Let me show you your argumentation:

1. Bullshit me initially with claims of posting pics
2. Making up bullshit of me having social anxities or being shy
3. Post a fake picture of a muscular guy in the hope of me thinking thats really you and shutting up because you're muscular/good looking
4. Identified as a bullshitter.

Hahahaha you're probably the one with social anxities cuz you're afraid to show your real face, probably knowing that you're yet another of these skinny internet heros. Really, gtfo and say hello to my blocklist., sucker.
alright you got me. Here's a the real picture of my then:
image: bodybuilder_80_by_stonepiler-d4j84b5

your turn
Raped. Stop talking to me, I don't wanna risk getting your akne.

Edit: How's cleaning toilets in Denmark different to Poland? Share your experiences please. Also do you mind cleaning the dog shit off my shoes? Give me your address please, I'll pay some good zloty 4 it.
im still waiting for your picture

Edit: hah funny polish joke
We will meet in real life brate, dem shoes are dirty. Now gimme your address already, littlepolandboy.
I guess it is obvious that I'm image: 4287_6257 to you in every department.

image: tumblr_maoqvxPGx01qhigt0o1_500
image: tumblr_msj1fpEj2P1qzn0p8o1_500
image: tumblr_mggqxghM7R1s0vlh0o1_400

#IwonYoulost #toiletcleaner #busta
oh you want some man on man action?

image: hE3C9303D

like this?
Man I'm constantly picking on you, your nationality and your social status and you just give in to these accusations like a punching bag? You're not much of a challange anymore then, goodbye.
I don't really mind what kids say on the internet

image: m4JnO
there indeed is a difference between judgement and a comment, I don't even need google for it, you know.
what I didn't know though, was probably the lack of your intellect. I thought that you understand what you say and expected you to realize there is a judgement behind your words. I am truly sorry for overestimating your capabilities.
on a side note - I really think you shouldn't take internet too serious, it might cause stress :)
"Tough guys" is a phrase to symbolize and to a certain extent - if u want - a judgement on their character, you could say it functions as a metaphora to portray their character, whereas you argued that it is a judgement on their physical appearance.

Its kinda funny how you initially tryed to sound pseudointerlectual and now totally turned defensive by distracting from the actual topic and claiming that my intellect is not sufficient, although your the person who fails to back up his fallacy. I've already noticed this behavior of you several times, so it seems to me that this is your last resort to not look like a complete retard and escape from a discussion that you've already lost.

Last but not least I'm definitely not the kind of person, who takes the internet too serious. People are bigmouthing for one simple reason: the anonymity that the internet is offering and aside from that trolling, which I also enjoy at times, but giving someone shit for his looks, while most of these internet hero lookin ass niggas themselves don't have the balls to show their face and probably wouldn't dare to even give him looks in rL is just priceless, especially if you consider the small size of this community.

Personally I'm not stressed out by this, I just like to discuss and argue sometimes and this was a fit occasion of doing so. :)
Okay, first of all, I am flattered you recognize patterns in my behaviour. Should probably look into it though.
As I might have insulted your intellect, I aswell backed it up with the reason. You might missed it. It's the part where I say there is still judgement behind your words.
Tough guys ... yet not share a pic of themself. Obviously it might have only been a comment on their character, though that pretty much seems you doubt they are muscular themselfs.

I don't really believe you don't take internet too serious. Only judging from journal, you write long ass comments every time, you literally insult or try to do so in every single one of them and have the urge to be "on top" every single time.
And all that because you, once again, took my comment way too serious :)
The times when I came here to actually discuss ET related stuff are long over. Personally, this is just a playground when I feel the urge to have some fun. I'm glad you realized that I purposely, and full aware of what I'm doing, write this provoking and insulting stuff. Why? Cuz I wanted people to react to it + arguing/trolling can be fun. You just need to bait people correctly.

The point where it usually gets boring though, is when people just give in to my reasoning and try to retreat, because they're inferior. (see that polak guy above). So in one way or another I guess I could thank you for giving a somewhat appropriate reply. Had some serious fun in here. :'D xoxo

Related pic:
image: I_maed_u_mad
QuoteThe point where it usually gets boring though, is when people just give in to my reasoning and try to retreat, because they're inferior.

no I just don't have the time to type a long ass messages like you do. I don't care what some internet hero is writing. You are probably mad that I didn't pay attention to the "polak jokes" and so on. You were trying so hard yet failed. Good job
No, actually I got what I wanted when I busted you on your fake pictures, because it says quite a bit about some1's self perception. It was kinda clear to me that someone would come up with the douche attitude and start giving out advices, although they'll pussy out when they're confronted with their bullshit. As you still didn't provide any evidence that you're not another i-net busta, my claim stays: I humilated you there.

The last bit when I started teasing you was just an attempt to get even more fun from it, cuz I knew you were some polish immigrant and coming up with common stereotypes seemed like a good idea to make you rage. Too bad it didn't work out as expected, but thats probably the only thing I'd give you credit for. KUDOS TO U

If you truly didn't care about what I'm saying, you wouldn't have replied here to justify yourself, but thats okay no hard feelings. :3

nice wasting your time writing that essay

☑ rekt ☐ not rekt
Here's my side of the story! Roll up in the club my Ski jacket and trainers on thinking this might be a bad idea. The bouncer who has more muscle in his right arm than I have in my entire body puts his hand on my chest. He leans in, I fear for my life..."you're TosspoT... " at firsti have no idea what he says but it eventually comes to me. I ask him, ahh you're sAs? And the rest of the story is history!

Very cool guy, would definitely not fight him...
QuoteAnd the rest of the story is history!

I take it he didn't ask for consent.
Rarely come on here these days. Now I know what you look like! Stay awesome man.
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