Need players for

I need few decent people to play three or more times at week 6v6 wars we can also start play at CG ladder if we gonna do good job at pracc.

So thats all u can get more information at irc or leave me message here.


and some random quotes

<Metsuri> Chcial ciagle anal i kusil do narkotykow

<BOBIKA> Shut up you noob

Try to ask R0th,Azerty,iazz,inky and co
i will
dont even reply to a retard like him igla
doin good at prac without anticheat.. wanna see some guys doin that damage and have that knowledge with anticheat..
np. KittET when u wanna play?
when we got our 6 back and then we could play mondays and/or thursday... and i hope you now about which guys im talking...
not really i play with palemki, eSrael emp0 aka legend, vATU fintard, woot aka sexy voice, and usa reprezenti vein so who cheats in your opinion?:D
speaking about emp0 and vatu in the first place...
please.. are you fucking serious or just trying to make fun of yourself??
oh sry i forget that vatu as low+ and busted and now doin way more damage and shit then he would do in 2 6on6 games...

and maybe come with some real infos not just a shit comment without any sense...
are you killerboy? seeing cheat everywhere. 2014 and still paranoid as fuck.
if vatu is cheating then everybody there is doing it.

this is not a shit comment this is simply the truth
nice ignoring that vatu was busted because he was cheating... and nice ignoring the rest of my comment...

go back into your cave or come up with some real shit and not that butthurt friend shit
friend? i dont even know who the fuck he is lol.

i don't care if he was busted, you are just accusing someone with a low/med skill (you are accusing 90% of the comunity then :D) . so pathetic.

bb i go back into my cave
I need few decent people to play three or more times at week 6v6 wars

you mean per hour?
i mean everyday that many wars as it possible gege
Im avi as always
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