United States of Americavein ( not banned for Cheats??)



pls more

wtf did vein get banned for exactly?

ohurcool banning for personal beef, what a pussyboy.

You're only allowed to impersonate an admin if admin likes you
that cup has nothing to do with CG?
He was told if he used the name again even in random irc scrims his ban would be extended.
I'm gonna reply to all three of your comments in one:


You're only allowed to impersonate an admin if admin likes you
QuoteHe was told if he used the name again even in random irc scrims his ban would be extended.

What? :P I have never said anything even remotely close to that and couldn't care less who uses my name in "random irc scrims". Even if I did tell him that (and I didn't), the match you linked was way before he got banned, so I'm not sure how it is even relevant in this case.

QuoteCB is CB, CG is CG. CB is dead. You can't say "CB did this so we're gonna carry it over" for this and then not do it for the ex-cheaters on CB's banned list.

At best it fits under category 2, a 1 match (league) / 1 week ban (ladder).

Frankly, we can say and do whatever we want. :P We do not have to follow the "CyberGamer Anti-Cheat Policy" (which is quite outdated and not really even followed by the EU CoD4 admins). I was given explicit permission from the head admin of CyberGamer EU when support for ET was added to run things as we wish.

The "ex-cheaters on CB's banned list" issue is quite different anyway. The main reason we didn't ban players who were banned on ClanBase is simply that we couldn't do it properly due to having no access to the CB database. This is not the case here, as I still have access to the ban policies that were in place back at ClanBase.

Besides, the point that embarrassed was making is that if vein's ban truly was some sort of personal grudge between me and him, then I would have simply banned him for the normal ban length of 3 months instead of just 1 month. I did not and actually wasn't even going to ban him until he went and giggled about it on TS with you and the other geeks you two hang out with, so well done!
QuoteFrankly, we can say and do whatever we want. :P

I pity the life you have if something like that excites you. I guess that's why you try so hard to keep ET alive, otherwise your life would be quite pointless wouldn't it?

You have a worse approval rating than george bush.
>get caught in own lies and stupidity
>attempt to change the subject entirely by responding to a single sentence out of context

How can I argue with someone who's so delusional he's become immune to logic? Keep that passive aggressive attitude up, it'll get you real far in life.
But we're not even arguing? :P You ignored my whole comment except for one sentence taken out of context. If you want to "argue", try actually defending your points instead of throwing random nonsense around.

1. Explain to me how it is unreasonable to ban someone who joins the server for an official CG cup match on ETTV with my nickname and says "sup bitches, stop sucking dicks", tells a team that they they are "disqualified" and to PM me on IRC, then laughs about it when confronted.

2. Show me logs where I told vein that "if he used the name again even in random irc scrims his ban would be extended" or admit that you were lying.
got emmmmmmmmmm
1. I wasn't arguing that the ban was unreasonable, just you got all butthurt and made it longer than it should have been and justified it by bringing up clanbase again. You ran one organization to the ground, do you really want to make the same mistakes twice?

2. Actually Canada embarrassed did say that to us in private, private logs = ban?

3. It's good that you still remember how to write essays, having been kicked out of college and all. :P
Sigh, you're making things up again. :P I had nothing to do with the shutdown of ClanBase and was not kicked out of college (:D). Please stop lying as it makes you look really desperate.

I've already explained that his ban is not "longer than it should have been" and could in fact have easily been even longer. There was nothing wrong with how we ran things at ClanBase, so it's perfectly justifiable to use the same policies on CyberGamer.

We will make an exception for the private logs rule this time. Feel free to share logs from him saying that vein isn't allowed to use my name in IRC wars!
Never said you had anything to do with clanbase shutting down, just you ran the et community to the ground while the website was still up and running. Making divisions with 6 teams so "ET looks more active with more divisions", most boring games ever. EC became a joke the moment you became an admin for it and everyone knows it. Moreover, justifying things by saying 'we can do whatever we want" just shows much big (literal) a child you really are.

Apr 20 19:53:30 <embarrassed> I don't really care, but if you do put on the cg tags or his name, you will be exiled

At least you'll have that ET degree to put on your resume, no worries.
QuoteYou ran one organization to the ground, do you really want to make the same mistakes twice?
QuoteNever said you had anything to do with clanbase shutting down, just you ran the et community to the ground while the website was still up and running.

Contradicting yourself already after one sentence!

How would you have run things? Which cup format would you have gone with? Explain what I did wrong exactly and how you would fix it. We started running cups with 2 groups per division of 4-5 teams each instead of the usual 4 groups of 4-5 teams each because fewer teams were signing up and playing each season. Same with EC - it was getting progressively lower skilled each season, not because I was in charge but because that's what happens when a game decreases in activity as the years go by. If we had stuck with the usual 15-20 teams per division, then there would have been no more than 2 divisions in the 6on6 OC. How do you think that would have went?

The truth is ET would be a lot worse off if I had never joined ClanBase. Feel free to quote me on that and call me delusional/butthurt/childish some more, but that doesn't make it any less true. :P

And I said "we can do what we want" because that is how it works. We don't have to explain ourselves to you when we do things, and we certainly don't need you to approve of our actions. If vein didn't want to get banned for a month, he should have thought twice before doing what he did. Why should I tolerate that shit if I don't have to?

QuoteApr 20 19:53:30 <embarrassed> I don't really care, but if you do put on the cg tags or his name, you will be exiled

Oh my god, you really think embarrassed was being serious there? :D He even said "exiled"...

Anyway, you're doing that thing again where you stray away from what was originally being discussed and instead just flame me for every reason imaginable, and it's getting kinda boring.
2 divisions, but at least you won't have to play the same exact teams over and over again. Keep shrinking the divisions, you're bound to get in something.

It's so sad you have to pat yourself on the back in every post you make. When ET dies (and yes it will sooner or later), hopefully the QL community has died enough that you can take over that to give your life some meaning.

Think of how many people you type essays back and forth to everyday. I guess we're all ungrateful bastards for not fully appreciating you selflessly giving up college to go full time admin. Not delusional at all.
The point of divisions is to divide teams by skill level. With two divisions, you'd have teams who belong in Premier competing versus teams who belong in Fourth. But at least you wouldn't be playing teams over and over, right?!

I'm "patting myself on the back" because you're doing nothing but flaming me, moron. Am I not allowed to defend myself or what? :D
That's what happens when a game decreases in activity as the years go by

Stroking your own ego then victimizing yourself to gain sympathy, your self esteem lower than your grandmas tits
That's exactly my point! :D Since that is what happens when activity drops, we get around it by running cups with more divisions of fewer teams each. How is this so difficult for you to understand?

I'm not the one with self esteem issues here. You wouldn't last a week as an admin in my position, guaranteed. :P
1. hahaha shitstain vein
Quoteand the other geeks you two hang out with

waiting for ohurcool to defend himself cuz it does seem personal ...detdets link is a clear example

You seem to know what you are talking about.

Banning for impersonating an admin was 3 months on CB, if vein and ohurcool didn't know each other it probably would have been longer.
thats what im saying, i didnt know the bad
CB is CB, CG is CG. CB is dead. You can't say "CB did this so we're gonna carry it over" for this and then not do it for the ex-cheaters on CB's banned list.

At best it fits under category 2, a 1 match (league) / 1 week ban (ladder).
Quote if vein and ohurcool didn't know each other it probably would have been longer.

Agreed, just look at NaZtY. Ohurcool and Nazty didnt know each other so the best player in NA got banned. Such a shame really
That best player in NA was probably the only player I've seen that didn't know the objective on goldrush.
Where did you found those bans so quickly?
that site is so shit, f*cking pisses me off.
if I deliver such a site, I'm fired.
30 day ban. i hear he hanged himself
cant wait for mine
nothing of value was lost
players are not valuable in a dead game
chizz6l & friends were cheating in 2007 I'm suprised it took this long for an anticheat to notice it. Unfortunately I have lost the pb screenshots from that time where all of them were using wallhack. Pretty sure they never quit cheating since that time either.
this is not Belgiumchizz6l, this is wannabe BelgiumchizzLe.
Whatever cheating faggots all around me.
How did you get pb screenshots anyway? Thought PB was taking them itself, but I guess I was wrong :D
Through server configuration you can force it to take screenshots. I had someone entering the screenshot commands while we were playing. I posted it on crossfire back then but nobody cared at that time.
how could have you known? you started ET around the time SLAC was introduced :-/
LOL, you no fuck all about me then bro :D
still vei was allowed to play 3on3 nc :D
That issue was resolved weeks ago between United States of America and Germany teams and timbolina with no problems so not sure what you're getting at.
dunno? maybe do pubzor with these kind of information?

i just checked his account and he was banned and how can i know that you guys solved that?
Why would vein have been allowed to play if it wasn't resolved? He was banned for "impersonating an admin", not for cheats like the others.
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