Supply frag

frag i made yesterday vs yokoo,jam and dont know who the 3rd guess it was ( was :(
hope you enjoy
nice 1 ;-)
nice bot
nice life
Nice frags Germanyjunky
fastest reply ever :* nice hitting f5 in ur own topic!
was sick kresti m8 :D twa was 3rd ye
player cheat
Nice movie, I mean... well... fuck.

It's like watching a young United Kingdom niSmO
Nicely rolled :) It reminded me great 4-man kill of rat from zZz @ some of eurocup's matches
lol :D nice
you said my nick first cause im best gg
xD ur shit u got rolled badly here. Needs more gizmo
he really needed to do something after seeing himself in my frag movie I think.. nice life
aie, ce que tu as pris :DDDDD
nice life
nice life
nice live
kresti = kenta
too much kresti pwnage
life nice
dat some gud frag fo'sho
kann ich fast genauso gut! nice life yo
you are high skilled and all, but notice only one guy actually shot u, rest were reviving.
good u were calm enough to aim for the head
Yeah and on ts they were like man u don't shoot when im the only one shooting. gg
LOL when i got the double revive you both should have shot then while he had his knife out instead of running away to build :D feggit
lets blame twa ???
haha, gg twa.. :D
Holy shit that was insane. Sick frag kersti!
nice bodyblocking the third guy
Let's burn this motherfucker and make him eat his own dick aswell
fucking beast
pls, think you can do much better :S
cu in 2nd ban wave
U disapoint me
so easy vs lows...
obvious hax gg
last frag is "You killed Eschatology", but the popups say ":Ddd was killed by kReSti's Luger 9mm" gg 1/10
nice edit skills mental xDDD
heh, immerhin hat er seinen Clip XD
No hate towards you kResti, but the frag you made is medicore.
hehe thomas. hehe
low+ max
1/5 because supply so boring
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