CG AC problem

Since the new update, i can't even launch my AntiCheat. I've tried everything i guess, deleted every files and folders close to 10 times, reinstalled the whole thing quite a lot aswell. Pupa tried to help me via Teamviewer cause I thought i was doing it wrong, but nothing's working.

I've got this error : image: nS8MvB7

I've read the forums and the FAQ, also asked several people, it says that I have to delete my login.ini file. But what if I have no such file? I deleted my "login" file as I was told aswell, still not working.

Also after that i'm closing this grey window, I've got this : image: Cm7K8yi

Then right after I'm closing this window, if I try to launch my AC again, it says : Update your client! then automaticly close. Don't really know what to do to make this work.

If anyone got a slight french knowledge and is avi to help me out with this, pm me on IRC, would be cool thanks!
viens ts , je vais le faire via teamviewer ;) du moins essayer comme j'ai fait pour moi et les autres
run setup.exe dont use the one CGAC in the folder.I had the same problem yesterday.
Did it a lot of times, nothing's happening beside a random installation which keep failing at the end no matter what
Hmm oke it helped me yesterday did you allow it one the whitelist of your antivirus?
Yep it is allowed :P
I can try to fix it for you with teamviewer if you want?
uninstall - go to the installation path -in the cybergamer folder delete reinstall
#free chapjla
R.I.P papi <3

never forget
Appreciate it m8 xx
I have no idea what this error message is trying to tell but that arabic text in it seems a bit weird.

Format c :))
Basic C# string to bool converting exception.
i have the same problem/errors :s
i had this same problem i just deleted CGAC, reinstalled it and I replaced the old CGAC.exe with new one in cybergamer folder :-)
From the exception trace i would say its related to a textbox or filepath selector. I never opened CGAC but if there is any place where you have to enter your path to your ET.exe.
My guess is that since you are french, your path might contain special charcters like é for exemple.
i have the same proplem.
i had the same problem aswell yesterday :o i just closed it and opened it again then it somehow worked, but had exactly the same messages
xae and rezta tried to help me via teamviewer, kinda tried everything i guess but it's not working at all. I'll send a ticket to the CGAC support see if they already had a similar case. If not i'll give up untill a next update
Did you already clean up your registry and delete the cgac folder in your appdata?
Yup I did it. Then xae did it.
Quote by Vatuh
i had this same problem i just deleted CGAC, reinstalled it and I replaced the old CGAC.exe with new one in cybergamer folder :-)

Weird, but actually true; This will solve it.
does not work i tried it when i saw what vatu said.. :(
that login.ini file did not even appear @first but when it did after few tries i deleted it and still got the same error.. :/
I dont know then sry :s
Had the same problem the one day I was forced to use it, it also ate like 90% cpu after I tried to launch it a couple of hundred times. Had to forcequit a couple of hours later to end the process. My bet is that our non-ASCII pathways messes it up bad. Or maybe because of our HDD setup?
Clearly have no idea about my HDD setups or anything, it might be I assume? it's not working, and I have no idea why. I've tried every single possibilities posted on forums, or the video right above your comment. 3 different guys helped me, and it's still not working
did you fix it ? cus i went teamviewer with mental yesterday and got it to work for a minute or so before ET crashed and this bug coming back again :/
ye i can make it work once. Everytime I have to close CGAC, i have to reinstall everything once again. kinda cba
did you try to paste this shit onto that login file?

game=System.Windows.Controls.ComboBoxItem: CALL OF DUTY 4
i did that and did not work :( them bitches need to fix this retarded program! i get whine every time i play offi, oponent want me on cgag :(
stuck with this problem aswell.. no matter how many times I delete that login.ini it won't change a thing for me... made a support ticket on cybergamer, but haven't got an answer or solution to that problem yet..
Same happened to me, no clearing registry reinstalling and shit did work. Then i installed cgac to destination the installer wanted and it started working
obv cheat
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