ET demos not found from HD? :D

Hello! I got this little problem.. Some of my demos can be viewed only from ET's replay section but then again I can't find them from my demos folder. So what the fuck can I do about this because I seriously doubt that the demos are not in my HD :) I tried already search option but didn't work out. Also all my demos from september are missing also? What is this sorcery? :( If you help me out I promise to send krypta and Ethic to suck you off. Thank you!
Siis sää pystyt ET:n kautta kattoon demoja joita ei oo demo kansiossa? :D
Jep :D mitähän helvettiä! Ja syyskuulta jokaikinen demo muka jotenki mystisesti kadonnu?
Kuitenki jätkä päissään sählänny koneella :D Ei sitä sit pysty uudelleen nauhottamaan ku katot demoja? Kyllä niitten kuitenki täytyy jostain muistista löytyä kerran niitä voi kattoa.
Emt rasittavaa kattoa ne uudelleen läpi ja nauhotella ja en usko että pystyy tekeen.. ETTV:stä toki sais ne mutta seki on hieman rasittavaa ku vois vaa selvitellä ongelman ja that's it
You didnt run et as administrator::D:D: it is a w7 bug
you can find your demos here:

C:\Users\(username)\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files\Wolfenstein_Enemy_Territory
I dont have such thing on my pc? :)
it is a hidden map

windows creates a bogus et in the virtual store when you dont run et as administrator.

C:\Users\ your user name \AppData

try to go from there to local/vitrtual store.
it must be stored somewhere like here:

or what you can do

just search for the demoname:

you will find the demo in the virtualstore/et folder
As I mentioned above there aint such things on my pc 8) Also as I mentioned searching the demoname didn't work out. Yes I do have Local folder in AppData but there aint anything to related and the folders there aint anything related to ET and there is nothing named as ET / virtualstore

thanks anyway :(
avaat jonku kansion ja kirjotat siihen sijainnin tilalle %AppData%. ainaki windows 7 löytää tuolleen sen kansion.

tuon teet niin pitäs kyllä saada näkyviin tuo virtual store. Siitä en tiedä pitäskö niiden siellä olla
Tein ja ei löydy. Alan epäilee et ne ois jotenki pirstaloitui filuja x)

edit: löyty! Olipas omituinen 8) kiitos
Well now that this problem is worked out.. I moved the demos ofc to my etpro/demos folder and now I cant play them via ET's replay? :P wtf is going on 8)
Well, are you running ET as administrator?
Well, yes, 8) those demos appear there if I move some of the demos out from there
etpro folder > demos folder
vittu paska
ET demos are stored in cloud since 2k12 for safety reasons
It is clear, that the refrigerator trick would have worked here
your comment is either completely unlrealted or I am completely confused :D
? :D it absolutely makes sense what olgaa says
what the hell is refrigerator trick then :D
stop trolling man :D
Man, I am not the guy with stoner guy as a profile picture here :D
lol well, it's a way of packing stuff
hehe aika hauska :D
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