Yellow lagometer spikes

Hello people :)

Since 3 weeks I am getting weird yellow spikes in my lagometer (in the upper blue line) which causes lags. It occurs every seven to ten seconds and sometimes it comes with the message "Connection interrupted". Sometimes these spikes have an influence on my ping aswell which can also be seen on the green lagometer line, but most of the time my ping is ok and the lags are not ping related.

I have googled it already and all I could find was that the blue lagometer line stands for the sent packages to the server, making the yellow spikes packet losses.

I am not using wireless internet and therefore dont know how I could solve the issue.

I hope there will be some helpful comments which I can filter out of the useless trash comments :) Thanks in advance.

Got the same issue for like a decade, it's your internet/router that causes packets to be lost for some milliseconds. Either move, change router/ethernet cable/splitter/filter or change ISP to solve it, there's not much you can do about it.

You could use cmd.exe & ping serverIP -t to see how your packet sending fares, but chances are pinging once per second is not good enough to define the issue.

edit: It may also be a non-defragmented drive issue, but I doubt that with current hardware.

edit2: try servers from different countries. I'm personally always better off playing on german servers than dutch ones.
Ye but I didnt have any of these problems some weeks ago.. and I cant think of anything that has changed since then.
Packetloss is usually a long-term issue, but it's likely your ISP changed routing/cables or whatever, and maybe it will get fixed in time. In the meantime try servers from at least 3 different countries.

If you get timeouts during downloads or whatever (heavy packetloss), you should definitely complain to your ISP.
on all servers?

not much you can do if its a network problem, sure replacing/upgrading the router/modem or even upgrading the router firmware could help but most likley its an issue with an isp :(

u can always buy a new apartment and try new net!
nice excuse XD
Check your cable for dents or cracks.
Other than that: ISP.
cl_packetdup 5
fuck man s1lent you been playing this game since 1997 and you don't know how to fix your fucking problems? :SSSS
delete pb
credibilis das ist.. yes
gee gee Poland/Israel s1LENT ; Die yellow spikes kommen entweder von a) von nem crapserver (YCN etc.) oder b) stimmt etwas mit deinem routing nicht. Wenn du konstant yellow spikes hast ist es tendenziell der server, wenn sporadisch liegt es an deinem provider/routing. Klingt nach packetloss/timeout auf einem der loops, mach am besten mal n tracert zu dem laggenden server, alternativ hlsw öffnen, server reinkopieren und strg + t drücken, hat den selben effekt und ist grafisch schöner anzusehen.

Edit: kannst versuchen cl_packetdup hochzuschrauben, glaube aber nicht, dass das was in deinem Fall bringt.
did you try to turn on your computer?
schön infiziert formatier mal
get green lagometer
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