New Unreal Tournament confirmed!

New Unreal Tournament game is announced, it will be:

- free
- made with Unreal Engine 4
- for PC/Mac/Linux
- shaped by the community on Unreal forums.
- released as an alpha build where people can make whatever mods they want with UE4 tools
- deathmatch will be the first gametype, capture the flag and others will be made afterwards.

fuck future
we live in present :
that would be the past nob
what's this, how's it gonna look

another robo shooting scheisse
cool! still think the original is the best tho :D
"- shaped by the community on Unreal forums."
i think otherwise they would release a UT with ironsight and self healing :D :D :D
wish bethesda would let us sharp the next wolf mp...
the first unreal tournament is the best no doubt..
Cool. It ain't no Quake but still.. Will definitely play it.
Played the old ones few days ago,
LOVE old UT <3

99, 2003, 2004, good stufff
2004 suxxxxxx
UT99 forever, anybody up for games?!
It might be a fun game but it I don't think it will be competitive as Quake. Just wait when the community starts to whine that there is no BFG like weapon of mass destruction that obliterates anyone on the whole map.
redeemer go
It will be a sandbox-ish game, meaning there will be an alpha build and people can do whatever they want. You want BFG? Here's a mod and here are dedicated servers. You want enemy models to look like dragon dildos? Here's a mod. The possibilities are endless.
UT da best
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