Why does NBS have PB?

Wtf is this 2008?!
No public servers left gg.
QuoteWtf is this 2008?!
No public servers left gg.

and we have 20080000 cheaters...
Like PB is gonna stop cheaters :( Is there any non-PB Etpro server? I think not :S
few idiots already busted by PB some time ago ;)
works fine for me:)
why we have enabled pb? But we will disable pb in the future. At the moment we are checking some skilldrops .

image: pb-screenshot.php3cknr

image: pb-screenshot-1.phperj2u

image: pb0017479ploz

image: pb001737cpyqq

image: pb0016962pkxn

image: pb001692vck3s

image: pb00175623koc

image: pb000013hvjec

image: pb000042k1jpn

image: pb0004895ck3d

image: pb0006891lkuz

image: pb000715aij6w

image: pb000944hsjwi

image: pb000997hnjqi

image: pb0004743taps

image: pb000562w7y1u

more to come
packozaurus walling and still so bad :DDD
great job, keep it up.
well done, you should continue using punkbuster!
Obvious vid restart bugs
remember to /q us with their IP adress ;)
Fuck off, you dont deserve that
Rofl you mean its not supposed to look like that? =§

Some of these are actually b_simpleitems 1 ;D
cgac profiles fucktard? they are random pubbers, nothing more
Check [3GS]M4X1MUS pb screenshots, 100% clean.
If it was you, you weren't kicked for cheating or anything, someone just spammed me, that you're 999 or afk and that you're blocking slot.
They vote kick, vote fails, I "lag out" and get insta-kicked. Dat coincidence tho...
Happened two times in a row even, braundorf and adler :D

image: c9fsBAM

"karuujh" or "Come Back to ET" was the one who "spammed" you that I was afk, 999 and blocking slot? :D

Can't a nugga play public these days?
I know for sure you lagged out atleast once on adler, because I did that !spec999 and it put you spec, and since you didnt join any team for atleast 5minutes, I thought you were out so I kicked you, because the server was full at that time.

Not completely sure if I was there at braundorf since I wasn't exactly sober to be fair.

But for the next time, it will rather help you than anyone, use your own nick so you will prevent retards calling you a cheater and stop them voting "kick" every single time there's a kill...
then the retards will just think it is some hacker nic faking. Just like klobby kicking fobje (phobeus) the other night because he knew the enemies spawn time and was pre-firing delivery tunnel... and fobje wasn't even name faking!
i would press F1 if i see a nick so gay like this
ur too good for pub :PPP

mind ET comeback?
aint gon happen xD, just drunk as fuck commenting in here
Where the prob on idann screenshot ?
hfLs haha focking nub, even with hack u still suck xddd

Where is my screenshot :<
idann = \cg_simpleitems

but was kicked for gamehack the other night :D
How do I get punkbuster? Do I need to do some shit with it since they no longer support ET?
yeah why pb? bobika kicks you also if you own him too often, no need for pb so!
hehe nice, one of them days :)
anyone have any cheats for me we can go own :D
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