gg for girls streaming

image: 29bdqvb

image: jb5vyp

Random Ukraine chick streaming CS:GO > 13.000+ viewers. She has more viewers while playing random pub than Poland pasha or Sweden GeT_RighT have while playing MM.


Every girl streaming gets 5k+ horny weirdos saying how much they wanna fuck her
She's ugly
welcome to reddit
"All donations will go towards supporting me and my stream, and will earn you an honored spot at the Round Table of WhiteKnights. Thank you for your contributions: <333"

Yup, burn it with fire

Oh, she just got a hundred euros
this is nothing compared to the female LoL streamer :D
75% of the people watching think they will have their first sexy time with her
13.000+ viewers virgins
haha too right :D
thanks for stream link much enjoyerino
all hail queen kaceytron
And sometimes they start singing.

image: DansGame
+1 FailFish
Anyone who gives money to some bird playing games on the internet is fucking sad.

yo, welcome back! ^^
Haha cheers dude, how you doing?

Chilax has asked me to cast a game on Sunday, so just trying to remember all the players etc!
not surprising...sad nerds
Used to play a lot with Falon/Lucyferr she gets so much weird shit sent to her
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