ET NC - Looking for 'Best moments'

After my journal yesterday, I received a few interested people who'll make some ET movies for this NationsCup!

image: 2gtnrsg

So we need some help from the community to make it happen!:

So if you remember some good moments in the first 3 weeks of the 6on6 NationsCup 2014, or you can give some 'hint', please contact me, or post it here (but be specific, Map/round...)

You can find the GamesTV league here: ET 6on6 NationsCup 2014

Belgium ChilAx
team Iceland are retards
5 years, 8 months and 2 days

Lives in Poland :DDDDDDDDd
member ET since 2k4 *

hello iceland boy !

image: zz-islandia21_zps0ab26f25
Me during the whole war, period.
:D can you give more specific moments? Like map, round , ...
'the whole war', sounds pretty specific to me!
nice naked boy at your profile pic
Would like more ? :P
C'est totalement le genre de commentaire que j'aurai pu écrire :{DDDDDD j'aime
Double knife on UK was an "okay moment"
Do you know map/round, i knew there was some knife moment of someone, but didn't know it was you.
Goldrush first round arnound 12 min.
best knife action I've ever seen :x
Could take some MG frags from crono vs Hungary, he was getting constant 4-5 man frags.
get uff dis dick fayggot
maybe also that gold return of sqzz vs NL, was somewhere between minute 6-8 i guess :p
How about creating that movie at the end of the nc? Then I would be avi to do it, doing a "best moments" now doesn't make sense or do you mean highlights of the first weeks?

I mean more the highlights of the first 3weeks now. And than do it every week.
got 3 man strike on grush vs Usa (or 2strike1nade) something like that :D
that's not a highlight
Ouh ok Sir, Iam so sorry (..)
So to summarize: you're not going to pick the best moments yourself, someone else has to make movies out of it and you're only intention is to post it on the same website you found aforementioned people.

image: 2gtnrsg
He did more than you did in the last years for the community. =)
that's unfair and untrue. you have no idea what Frop's done for the community as you have no way of seeing his contributions. contributing to a game/community isn't solely down to organising a cup.

ps. this doesn't mean I think chilax' contributions aren't worth anything (the opposite really, I admire the work he's putting in for the good of ET), I just think it's disrespectful to make the claim you just did considering you have no way to back up your words.
Well maybe he did much internal stuff but still no reason to flame everypost from someone who trys to contribute to the community that much. Especially when he has a administrative spot on this site.
then comment on his attitude and humour instead of saying he's done nothing for the community in years. :P
He did more than you did in the last years for the community. =)
Well, i think i'm doing my best for this community the last few months. But yeah, your opinion.

I let people make the movie because i never made a movie? + i'm searching / recording all /(most of) the highlights with help of the people since the players who are int he NC remind some 'highlights' better than me.
You're really only just wasting "valuable" time on a community which takes everything for granted and won't ever show it's gratitude. Don't expect a medal kid, you'll only be disappointed.
Am I expecting a medal? You better be quiet, a bit respect for some admins who are keeping ET (1 of the best fps games alive?, like ohurcool & co.) thanks
Merely stating the obvious :)
you should do some NEWS.TV :DDDDDD on youtube :D

at min 14.58 where USA teamkilled eachother and left the server!

gg would play again
Was thinking the same :D
couldnt find the link :D!

gg would play again
Estonia cant play other day than sunday
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