Wolf 1.42a (aka iortcw) released!

more screenshot here

Source: here

Here is the first update patch for Wolf 1.42 (aka iortcw):

What's new:

Updated SDL backend to 2.0.3 (improved video and input handling)
Update cl_guid support to use Punkbuster GUID's (based on CD Key like official 1.41 client)
Updated curl libraries to support downloads from secure (https and ftps) servers (both IPv4 and IPv6)
Sound fixes (some stuttering, volume, and doppler issues fixed)
Rend2 (updated renderer) fixes (especially lighting and cubemap fixes)
Add support for gender specific obituaries (using cvar sex "male"/"female")
Fixed flag animations when using QVMs
Fixed crash with QVM->dll communication
Fixed AI showing phone jack (connection interrupt) icons when dead (Single Player)
Fixed colored name padding in status command
Add new command 'cvar_modified' to show a list of all cvars that were changed from defaults.
Random bug fixes
Added sample config to enable hi quality graphics using new renderer (In console, /exec hiquality.cfg; vid_restart)
- *Requires OpenGL2/3 capable video card/drivers*

Added support for map specific configs (to set server cvars on a per map basis, such as gametype, respawn times, etc.)
- To use, create a 'mapcfgs' folder inside of 'main' to hold you per map configs. Naming convention is <map name>.cfg
Fix pk3 download error messages
Potential filesystem issue fixed

To install:
Unzip file to your Return to Castle Wolfenstein install folder. It should not interfere with your existing fully patched 1.41 install.
(If you have installed the previous 1.42 release, you can safely overwrite the existing files)

Windows (32-bit)

Windows (64-bit)

Linux (32-bit)

Linux (64-bit)

Mac (Universal Binaries)

Mac (Terminal based binaries - 32/64/PPC)

*Note* This is a full update...install of previous 1.42 release is not required.
looks shit
People are working hard on this project for free , nice thankfulness

right sir and thanks for that but that turk is right it looks ugly :D
well even if it's ugly , saying it's shit is a total disrespect :/ , they upgraded some textures anyways and like i said , they're working for free so ^^ Not much expectations
Everything was said, thanks xAeee you are smart.
Thank you developing team for wasting investing your time to this project!

I still think that this doesn't look as good as I imagined. Maybe you have the time to invest some more years to make it even better looking.

good luck with your work and THANK YOU for EVERYTHING
you are right RazZaH, I tryed it and it's not that good, I agree with you but we have to respect people that are working hard to do things like that imo.
and it's not my work at all, I discovered it today !
I actually prefer playing these older looking games, makes me feel like a kid again :D Go play ur stupid cod or whatever they play nowadays, prick!
well I am not saying that will be good to play with but maybe to make movies...
Anyway it's great to see that people continue to work on this fantastic game !
poland in a nutshell?
Kraków maybe. Definitely not whole Poland though.
So this is like a new HD single player of RTCW? Looks cool :>
I've seen a better RtCW upgrade than this recently. Pretty sure it was posted on CF?

It's 12:30 am and I can't find the link right now but it definitely looked better than this.

Either way, anyone supporting this game like that, I support.
I am waiting for the link dash !
Why I look at this kind of thing ? (better graphics I mean) Just because I am thinking about making a new RTCW movie but I don't know if it will happen a day...but who know there are lots of things which could motivate me :D

I may have over exaggerated a bit, wasn't exactly "with it" last night :D
you know that was an april fools joke right? D:
ugh dammit now I really wish it was an April fools joke :S seriously, old/vanilla wolf looks better...
Agreed :( Some parts like lighting for example do look a bit better, but some parts look so much worse that they ruin it!
clash of styles, like you can't use HDR lighting and specular maps in some places and not others. Also the maps themselves are most not suited to specular maps because they are too flat to begin with. Some of the sky/light-maps they went with are just plain hideous too, 1990s LENS flare anyone? :D
It will always look like crap, regardless what tech programmer puts in.
Art has to be redone but that's not programmer's job, programmer can only
provide tech and stuff, artists is the one that has to do it.
Yeah that is pretty much what I was getting at, enthusiastic programmers aren't designers/gfx artists :p
Sadly no, we are not. It's hard to get designers interested as toolchain & toolset is old as hell..updating art pipeline is somewhat a whole project in itself and at the end of the day, you can't compete with toolset like UE, unity etc on your own.
Yeah very true, UE4 sdk is insanely good
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