William "B.J." Blazkowicz

Blazkowicz is back! For those who haven't seen it already, there's a new trailer online.
I must say, im not very impressed. I wonder if there's going to be a MP though?
Have fun!
this game has no mp, and will be shit generic shooter.
There won't be MP, so another robot-based bullshit shooter, no thanks I'll pass :D
MP would be a cod clone anyway.
This game is gonna have alot of multiplayer and clanbase live streamed on own3d.tv
at 1:12 is M. Bison?
wolfenstein 2009 was shit also...
since the start they said " NO MP " .....
i wonder why theres still people bitching about no mp when it was clearly stated it would be a single player game upon release. the sp of wolfenstein wasnt so bad and i expect this to be pretty okay too, nothing worth of all the hate its getting right now atleast.

cant serve everyone i guess, you are all stuck in the past if you're thinking there will be an ET 2
we need to unite all the nerds and create our own version of et 2

which should be just like et but with better graphics and anti cheat
shut up you dumb jew.
i agree with this opinion
Blaszczykowski > Blazkowicz
image: 37612_17_20117712393349
come play dota2 moron
just gonna reach lvl 12
gimme steam id !
hi vila so youre back?
it is not the wolfenstein that we love... ;(
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