@ fr/ger casters

Hi guys,
i write a quick journal before leaving coz im gunna hit teh cklub im lredy so wasted LOL so srry for bad englando
i dunno who will cast dat computer battle but i'm official manager of FranceSnatix and i'll be available at night to provide you my insight for free ofc (contact me sunday afternoon if u want because tonight is gunna be a rough night ifu know what i mean)

Also since #follow.et professional hardcore addicted electronic army since 2008 will bring another medal at home i give u thoughts from one of my new soldiers NetherlandsEnigma that will make my penis erect again :

To put it in context, with me my e-army set up a time on bremen :
[Intermission]: >>> Objective reached at 4:46
Without me :
[Intermission]: >>> Clock set to: 6:50
Quote by Enigma[6:23] Enigmaticzor: with you (francis) we would have steamrolled it within 3 minutes because of your awesome truckdriving skills and not having speedlimits

Moreover, i'll obviously be in ETTV stadium to sing loudly dirty songs at german ppl soz m8s SO BRING YO SCARFS FRENCH MOTHAFUCKAZ

image: 948f082e32a3bce5
image: f6d293c39dcb19ab
oh and ye dont tell anybody but i heard seareal likes penis i mean its ok but dont be rude with him guise

Yours frenchly,
MarseilleLeFrancis - Colonel of #follow.et since 2008 and french supporter
tl;dr : french supporters will fuck german supporters in ettv stadium
:D okay, well I am not playing so french has a chance! :p
fuck u marcus its tea time go drink some holy beverage
oh putain les choses se passent à fond frère électronique de couleur je serais prêt avec mon clavier pour réduire en miettes ces gros scatophiles d'Allemand à la con

- Votre fidèle serviteur, qui vous souhaite bonne chance dans votre combat territoire ennemi télévisé

à vos claviers fervents internautes
toi même tu le sais chronomètre les connexions se font
connexions international du canada, au benin, burkina faso, republique du congo, cote d'ivoire, gabon, guinee, mali, monaco, niger, senegal, togo, belgique, burundi, cameroun, republique centre afrique, comores, djbouti, guinee equatorial, haiti, luxembourg, madagascar, maurice, mauritanie, rwanda, seychelles, suisse, tchad, vanuatu et bien sur salutation a faks et helication du maroc

tous seront present pour LA PATRIE
i wish we have supporters like that :i

Le colonel Francis
feel u bruder
mate where have you been, my golden dream...
This guy is definetely the most hilarious guy on the nets
thx m8 its not easy everyday
blanche fesses et les sept mains
tu peux pas test la puissance du F5
tRoP sWaG 2 fAsT !
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