YouTube buying Twitch for $1billion

Those 2 guys from Crossfire / ET community potentially had a $1billion business! Shame they decided to shut down. They were head to head with twitch for a while.

naxid was one of the guys who created own3d, can't remember the other. Some articles on what happened to own3d:
Decided to shut down? They were forced to due to insolvency
hope they enjoy their money but bb to a great many freedoms for broadcasters and subscribers.
Tosspot now working for google XDDDDD
own3d and twitch were never "head to head", it might have seemed so to people who didnt know any deeper

anyway interesting news
twitch were always ahead ( )
theoretically they were head to head for a while since own3d existed before twitch and thereby twitch at some point had to pass own3d
Eh, yes and no. own3d pulling the majority of partnerships, in it's prime, provided competition for twitch. Ever since it's downfall there has been nothing but a lack of service and quality, for twitch. It may have not pulled the same amount of money, but it stopped twitch or any other services from monopolizing streaming.
those are just wild hoaxes , rumors

pls confirm with me before posting bullshit on this site, my work here is done
image: nothing_to_do_here_by_rober_raik-d4cxltj
rip twitch
google is going to be the ruler of the world in 2023
the ruler of internet junkies - yes
internet junkies dont like google - no
i am not talking bout hackers or programmer -- the average user do - yes
Is it me or is $1 billion way too low for a website with almost the same traffic as netflix? Kinda hard to believe.

Not going to be a good thing if it's true, the music/game footage copyright thing of youtube alone is probably going to be subscription based, meaning we have to dish out the $ in order to see a dude play a videogame instead of the current system. Normally you only toss away $ if you want to support the streamer (half goes to twitch as a "taxation" fee), which is splendid in my opinion. Nope, better stay the hell away google.
I don't think they make a lot of profit right now.
was thinking the same..i wasnt aware it was worth for 1 fucking billion...unreal
Twitch is worth way more than $1 billion...
It really isn't. The idea is, but not the actual system/current execution. Twitch barely makes profit and their expenses are through the roof.
Hmm weird, I thought they are probably making craptons of money from ads etc. Guess adblock is too powerful :p
Making profit is still quite good for a company that isnt really that old though
idk, not a huge fan of youtube, but their streams (apart from globally banning Germany) are... very, very good. Never liked twitch, ever since own3d went down and any kind of competition was nullified, there's been no change or improvements, ever. The quality suffered, a lot. Youtube taking over might just change things, especially with their backend and financing. Not to mention the pros of having a global portal for streaming and vod services. We'll see, I guess. If they don't introduce any taxation on copyrighted material (ie music or gameplay footage), I reckon from the streamers side this will only be beneficial, a lot more money to be made and a way bigger target audience.
Everyone's bigger concern is with youtube's copyright laws and content ID flagging system, as well as their repercussions. If there will be a taxation to the streamers, the least they can do is keep it profitable for them, with 0 cost to the average viewer. If the average viewer is forced to pay up, I'm pretty sure there will be free streaming and re-streaming sites popping up everywhere, with their own ad revenue.

Twitch getting absorbed/bought might be beneficial for everyone, but only depending on how youtube will handle this, it can be a very tricky slope.
last time i was on youtube, the videos and music there was free =P
for the first time that i read ur comment i tought u wer saying that viewers would be obligated to pay to watch the streamers, so my comment is kinda out of context.
but if you dont like how youtube works, dont use youtube right? ther is more then one site where u can stream gaming content, for example, vimeo
have a nice day
1. Copyrighted music and game footage gets flagged on youtube especially if it gets a ton of views. This essentially means they (content creators) don't receive revenue and in many cases the videos get deleted, and that money goes to the copyright holders.
2. Content creators have to pay copyright holders for rights for even the most extreme and mundane things.
3. If Youtube buys Twitch and the same "laws" get passed to streams, content creators AKA streamers have to pay a "fee" to use copyrighted materials.
4. Somehow have to make a profit off viewers.
5. Increased cost of watching stream.

It's a long shot that viewers have to pay something, ads are not gonna cut it (everyone has adblock which blocks the ad revenue of the site and content creator), but weirder things have happened.
yes i know the rules of youtube and im familiar with the laws of their country

but im sure lawyers of google are working hard, hence, if i bought the songi cant listen it in my car, what is the diff. if i listen it at home, while being on a webcam? there is no violations of the laws there. u earn money thru viewers and adds, one could argue in court that the copyright music is a tool to make it all happen, but i dont think anyone will care.

since most of the songs nersd listen to are 250year old songs that no one gives a flying cockadile about, i may have again missunderstood what u are trying to say, but i just woke up and all i know is that i was going somwhere no idea where
thought own3d shut down before twitch was subsided
they shut down aka took the donations / earning of the streamers and ran to kahzastan where they live in castlest pyramids and underwter hotels with hookers dolphins and aliens

only 1 billion? FailFish
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