CRT clocking

I've always wondered if would my CRT monitor implode if i clocked it for ex. 100Hz from 75Hz
Please help me with this question cause i really want to test it out :D
And for the lack of content in this journal picture of my crt.
image: 8TDIF

I did it..
image: 105hz
And how would you do that? .. As far as I know, you can't raise Hz unless ur screen is able to run it from the start (?) Just right-click and see if you can raise via advanced monitor settings (?)
Now that is for modern monitors and not antique shit which don't have any bounds
well... cant that monitor run 100Hz without any clocking? .. My old CRT was 120Hz or even more I think... (Hard aim-drop when I change to tft :P) ... anyways good luck :) Would like to see if you succeed
I'm not even sure if i wanna blow up a monitor in my room :D... And my monitor is piece of shit :( cant run more than 75hz on lowest resolution :/
it will flicker or not show a picture if it cant take it
Is that difference really that huge?
the screen also cant run it if the monitor isnt installed =P
CRT overclocking is dangerous, and I'm not even kidding, they often tend to blow up
Yes I'm aware of that that is why i am asking what are the chances ?
All the info I've got for crt implodes from internet are based on like hitting the monitor with sledgehammer and i couldn't find info for clocking the monitor.
Just test it out. record it, and let us know.
just try - so the following generations can read about your experience
And so i can have a darwin award :d..?
15-20hz max including a few dead pixels without blowing up is the averrage stable outcome. Just save some money and get a decent new screen, really, the oculist and whatever costs after blowing your screen up should cover it easily :D
i should build a bombshell in front of my pc if i wanna overclock it. Not to mention if i want to use it long term when its clocked.
Well it won't blow up immediately, often it does after a couple of weeks
Then its most probably useless for me tbh.. Beacuse i wouldn't just test and stop using the mode.
do some reaserch, if the monitor can support 100hz then do it, otherwise i would strongly advise not 2
image: 8U79W
So i found some info about this monitor and made it happen didn't implode yet.
Apparently it can handle 800x600 135Hz.
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