Favourite objective runs/saves


I'm thinking about brushing up on my old editing skills and could use some ET content to help me out. Looking for suggestions for people's favourite objective runs, preferably from important matches. Any suggestions from the past 10 years are welcome
I got one nice save from random 3on3 official on et_ice if ud like


i basically destroyed my keyboard after that
omg omg :D

well definitly Lepari's docrun. and this match on radar i guess : http://www.gamestv.org/event/37583-supski-vs-to-make-odds-even/
lol. can't believe we beat PL main lineup with me and fumble playing. :D if only Baggiez decided to play ET after that first NC win with UK. ;[ would solve so many problems.
Do a revamp of deMiurge vs. idle on adler (Xionn's docrun), preferably with shoutcast.
Sae vs ins supply for sure, but I suppose the demos for that are quite hard to find. :D

Tho I think it'd be cool to see some new and different scenes rather than the famous ones we've already seen on numerous fragmovies / clips.
Indeed they are. Don't think I'm going to get them. I remember watching that match on ETTV back in the day!
trickjump legend GermanyDaNe doing objective run on frostbite within 24 seconds (1 sec remaining to beat the clock)

kapaa doc run my favourite :)
whatever it is im sure its gonna be fucking eyegasm
its been a while -Max- :)
Indeed. Trying to come up with some ideas for something different to the stuff I did before.
well obviously dragos pf on frostbite.

yeah, Tosspot almost came
i think that was the case for most people watching it live

Jewe running home the East radar parts on radar with less than 1sec left on clock in the end.

shit video tbh, but this was an epic match and action @ polish EGU lan back in 2009, everyone from my team (swat) was totally chilled since it was like 8 secs to the end of that map :D then one of decline players took radar, one of ours (Robol) started to shoot at him, which made him jumping faster, and as everyone can see, we lost that map in the very last second, and then we lost the match:P everyone was totally mad after that:P anyway i doubt anyone still has demos from this lan
Pewnie ty tam w plecki lałeś :D
Do mycia!
na stowke to byl robol!:D lamek prawie tam eksplodowal, syriusz sie wkurwil, winq sie najebal od razu z rozpaczy i tyle:D wyjaralismy chyba cala rame szlugow po tym meczu z wkurwu:P tak czy siak bylo spoko, bo potem pojechalismy do chaty ziomka z innego teamu, ktory mieszkal pod bialymstokiem i super nas ugoscil:P fajnie bylo
what's considered to be an important match to you? cause i have a shit load of of demos for obj runs lol but definitely haven't played any finals/important matches in my eyes lol just because of the teams ive played for... just saying because theres only so much you can do when you're canadian and the europeans already have preferred players that they would rather play with. not a lot of people get the chance to play for good teams in this game,

and it seems like you have high standards when it comes to this shit, based off of the previous fragmovies that you've created.
I just mean where the stakes are high, eurocup/opencup/nationscup/atlantic battle/lan tournaments etc. Not really sure what I'm looking to do yet, but trying to get some ideas.
tbh you've played plenty of top matches in EC with e-wave & uV + NC matches with canada, i'm sure some of your obj runs or important moments could've been in those games. besides, it's not entirely neccessary for them to be shoutcasted unless I've misread somewhere. just give a good moment versus some opponent worthy of a movie. :)

a frag or save being of consequence doesn't mean it has to be in a grand final!

time to revive ewave so you can pull off this frag and get it put in the movie.
did this in a OC loser bracket final was in the 3rd map and we ended up winning 4-2 and this is the second round.
The lepari run on Adler and the sqzz run on frostbite.

And potters resecure on radar
could you give me some more info on the sqzz and potter moments?
pretty sure he means the legendary potter multikill scene. it wasnt a save tho.

Ah yeah I remember this of course. Too bad there aren't any demos of it available.
you sure? guess the biggest demo database there is would be gtv. too bad there aint much left of the golden days of this game. such awesomeness. :(
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