Looking for map

I'm looking for the name of a map. It's the map in the first clip if Mesq & Lio movie

I reckon it was from this match: http://www.gamestv.org/event/2245-defining-star-vs-czar-gaming/
But it doesn't show the name of the maps :(
frost_comp_b1 or smth
Think you might be right, thanks! :)
I'm quite sure it was forst_comp, just not which version exactly, but that was a hell of an annoying map to play competetively anyway
it does show the maps if you look at the right place :p if you click on statistics, you see that the 2nd map that was played is called frost_comp_b2 :D
did miss that then :p
It looks like a decent map to play activly nowadays.
mother of video quality
image: mother_of_god_in_hd_by_lemmino-d64ndao
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