CodeHunt Pro-graming

Microsoft just released this educational game for programming.
Personally I find it pretty awesome.

News article about it:
It's not bad, but the problem is that you don't get to under why things are done that way. Atleast in the beginning. If someone wants to learn java they are better off with bucky's tutorials. Not sure if he has any C+ or C++ tutorials though.
Well maybe its better this way, because then only people with the mindset of a programmer can complete it and/or understand why.

And really, if you can't understand 1 line of code is more efficient than 3....
That's not what I meant. What I mean is: you don't start at the basics. For example why use and if statement. What are the pros and cons. Etc. I also understand that programming is easier to learn if it's "fun". But bucky is hilarious and he explains everything in depth. And also I wasn't saying it was bad, just not the way for me to learn it.

Codeacademy is also really good for example, but they don't support java or C+/C++. Only Ruby, Python, JavaScript etc. Here coding is also introduced as fun, in the same way as this game, but way more in depth. You get to understand what and why you are doing it.
Pretty much the norm for modern education to simply skip the basics and start on the advanced course right away (same for mathematics in high schools). I agree it's definitely not beneficial if you don't understand why you're doing something.
You can indeed see it a lot in every day life. Pretty sad and ineffective. Also it's easy to spot with new coders since their syntax is bad and their knowledge of the library is very, very limited.
Who is that bucky guy you're on about?

Under the novice java programmers, who didn't go to school to code, he's probably the most famous tutor. His tutorials are epic!
I'll have a look at it, thanks!
No problem. Goodluck I'd say! :D
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