Nounours Hero

Hey guys !

Here is my last mix :

I need some feedbacks please. You can obviously follow me on Soundcloud !

Bonus: The record of my best achievement! I mixed before OVERWERK 2 months ago :)
Is this something you made yourself or is it a mix of other songs? Other than that, I find the BPM restrictions on these types of music to make for a very monotonous experience.
Quotemy last mix:

It is mix of another persons songs. Anyone can be decent mixer, you just play other people songs, only thing u need to do is to make transition from song a to song b into song c etc.
"Anyone can be decent mixer, you just play other people songs, only thing u need to do is to make transition from song a to song b into song c etc."

Anyone with a several hours of practice, yes !
It's a 2h mix that I decided to cut for the upload because I think that nobody listen to your mix after ~45 min. There's obviously an evolution of the BPM ( 128, 100, 140 etc)

I made it myself with songs from known artists. Tracklist is written on Soundcloud.
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