dirty bomb beta

hello,so today tosspot on twitter tweeted about dirty close beta, it contained and signed up for beta, got it in 10hours. any others signed up or have the key already? what are your thoughts on the game
awful. next.
:( Only really have hopes for reborn and that Open Source UE4 project at this point.
What is that about?
Star Citizen.
Played it a while ago, Was alright i guess....
I have two keys, willing to give them for the right price
I have like 6 keys
One for free?
I don't get it. So they released a lot of keys some time back.. after they renamed to Extraction. Now as they're renaming it to Dirty Bomb, they are once again sending out closed beta keys... do the "old" Extraction beta keys still work?
feel free to test them
But, I'm lazy..
Well atleast the game is atm playable without any huge fps problems

... or its coz i have gtx 770
r9 290x here, I win
Nah, you're still missing a chromosome.
The game is really nice, I don't play it so much now because I don't really like public servers and they are empty 80% of time. Can't wait to see more players etc... I played some clanwars and it felt so good :P It's almost as good as our beloved ET !
How long is the beta running? Just got my key but I'm at army at my final war and won't be getting home until 6th June :D
June 6th?
You'll die on that beach.
Haha, actually I'm at Lapland in Finland :P
do i need a key, if i was already able to play the alpha?
probably yes
shit game :D
wait, is that the same thing as extraction?
Anyways if it is, the game was sorta decent, but it had a ton of issues, from unstable fps to succesfully holding the testers interest for about 15 minutes. I had some fun playing a couple of clanwars, but i cant imagine someone enjoying public play
i just get email with 3 keys :O if someone need pm me
same here :D
ok check ur inbox and stop kicking me on NBS
hodor pm me a key
gief please
Tu veux une clé ?
C bon j'en ai une thx =)
i haf keys :$
also have 2 more keys to give.

PM if you want one
Looks a bit like Brink but 10 times better. ''Feels'' decent thus far after having played for about an hour. Need to figure out how to make it more smooth because it's a bit choppy at the moment.
This game just keeps crashing, wtf...
still need 1 key to give pm me
if u need key i still got 3 of them pm me at #HODOR.ET
omg its frozz.

as for the game: probably shit like everything since wolf:et

they should just take et and etpro source and make a new free2play et with a proper anticheat, fixed hitboxes and better antilag
Playing it, rocking it.
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