et lan?!

I am adding this topic to add some content to this page.

Why there is no ET lan upcoming anymore? CG had pretty much teams and I guess many people also returned for the NC, so isn't it now the best time to run a et lan in Enschede again? I guess many people would return to the game aswell and the game would get played more in the upcoming CG Season!


Also tune in on Monday to mine and Williams shoutcast! ->
I hope it will soon be a lan
Who would be providing a prizepool though? Without one I don't think it's not worth the travel expenses for some/most people.
looks like Frop is rich, so for sure no problem for him.

And in the previous lan, you had to pay 50€ to play there. The entrance fee was the prize pool and stuff.
Dont think any of the ET teams got anything out of that promised prize pool.

edit.. in the previous lan I mean
Seanza back from hawaii yet?
Seanza is back and making LANs again,

Enschede has higher rent now and don't have PC's anymore. you can rent them and they will transport them ther but it's expensive ( all what Seanza talked at #Faceit ) So no point of hosting lan ther, you need to find another place, and he will never pay out money.
afaik pc's were transported to enschede last lan as well, or i might be wrong
they had PC's before, now they need to rent them from another place, and transport them.

not cheap to host ther, praque is nice place to host lan + it's cheap ( TDM lan is hosted ther QL and it's cheap to rent and they have PC's at spot )
as mental said, isn't it normal to take prize money from the entrance fees? suppose maybe previous lans had that + money from sponsors too, I wouldn't really know
some part of it, but renting a place like in Enschede is taking a massive chunk out, you really need some sponsors to pull off proper prizepool
100% according.

Movement - > keep et alive
cu there i own u irl
dat is true
Great idea, good luck organizing one!
haha, I was just asking to maybe impress someone to do one :D Maybe some "new" crossfire admin could do it, there are forsure people who are trustworthy
You have to believe in yourself instead, you can do it!
What's new in 's-Gravenhage?
Not much, but we haven't been bombed by Germany in the past 70 years, so there's that.
What was the comment you made last time? "Yeah, let someone else do the work" something like that
Possibly, but I'm trying to adopt a new attitude and encourage people to maximize their potential.
Potential + crossfire + 2014? :O
>i want to believe
lets go dreamhack ok?
Get williams to spam some ET personas on twitter, this will revive ET and totally convince someone to organise lan
the problems are:
who pays the rent for the location?
who can get 24 or more highend computers for a weekend, and who pays that?
without sponsors you can't get these things done, no gaming company wants to support a dead game (since there are a lot of dead games who want support like cod2, quake and so on, what makes ET better then the others - from the view of the sponsors ofc ).
Maybe somehow it could be possible to convince some other Organisation to add et to their game pool
why should they do that? to give away more money to a game they dont know? most lans also just got around 20 pc's and 2 days of time, so how can they setup another tournament?
how to get sponsors ?
helvete is the only place to be! they got enough of room for a BYOC LAN NP :D
ok lets wait till 1€ party and GO!
I'd love another lan, not sure if it will happen in Enschede though, afaik Seanza destroyed the relationship the cafe had with the et community + not paying any of the teams and magically going on holiday month or so after :o)

Only person I could imagine to pull off another et lan would be Tosspot
Thats true. Well maybe also Merlinator or Marcus, they are also trust worthy and have the experience. Still sad what Seanza did there
I dont doubt the trust worthy-ness of merl or marcus, but I'm thinking about pure reputation and influence which Tosspot has i think. IF theres a chance it would only be tosspot to pull it off
Anyone can pull it off, as long as their pocket's deep enough, doesnt really matter, a decent place with high amount of prize pool, will scratch out even the most inactive old school ppl.
according to TosspoT he will never host a ET lan again, he loves the game but mostly busy with twitch and csgo. but sure he can help to organize one if ther will be 1
DreamHack guys check for upcoming LANS
need euromillion winner!!
Mostly would be the financial part, thats the main issue, secondly, i dont even think u could find 10-15 teams in short terms that would be attending lan, maybe during fall or so, to give ppl time for some money savings, but at very end thats the least of the problems anyone would have when organizing lan.
arnt there 1-2 ET playing millionaires who have sold their company some years ago?

Maybe ask them if they want to sponsor a lan ;)
guess a byoc lan without any prizes + entrance fee to pay rent for the place would be the only way to go. i'd suggest you let it die already and give it a rest :p
Frop not running a LAN because basically he hates us.
i can understand him
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