rtcw nations cup!?

anybody interested in having a 8 team double elimination rtcw nations cup after wc footbal (so from mid july till mid september)? could be fun!
why you all push my thread down, which would save et?

francis do your job!
Poland is intrested. 3v3 or 6v6 homie?
aiming for 6v6, but if there is no other option then maybe 3v3 :)
Yeah. I can't think of a single country, other than the UK, that could successfully put together a 6man line-up.
h2o destroyer vdr waflu n00n babcia cosco + many et guys :)
no one cares about a sub-par country that wont get past qualifiers, sorry.
actually i do care, surely everyone cares about germany..
phok you nerd me bN and murkey take u guys 3v6
lol what about NL and USA theres much more of these 2 than UK
Sorry, let me rephrase this. I can't think of a single country, other than the UK, that could successfully put together a decent 6man line-up. Realistically, who does NL have? Bully, mirage, karma..?, ?, ?. Not to mention the many people that wont ever play together, under the same team. There's a lot of hatred within the small community :P

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for it. The more 6on6 cups the better. But I just don't see it happening, not with the activity gradually declining more and more in these recent months, ever since the revival cup.
Oxy is just mad cos 1. There will not be german team 2. If somehow, there will be german team, oxy will not play for them
Qualifiers in 8 teams cup? llol
Not only German, but Finnish, Estonian, Norwegian, Austrian, Swedish, french and very likely no Belgian team either - judging by the signups of players for the current cups. So hey, if you poles want to battle over 2nd place with team USA, while UK sits on their thrones laughing, be my guest.
I just want to have fun in this game. Would be cool if there will be Nation Cup and more teams = better, even if some of them are much more skilled than others. Same happening now in every 6v6 cup since alliance Cup. Who is going to win? Answer is easy, raw or phase.
Hey, if you think you can pull it off, go for it. But I haven't seen the majority of players on that list in months. Most have quit and expressed no interest in playing. Or just like in the case of sweden, KiH couldn't even manage to attend the current cup, do you honestly think they'll show for a NC?
that's why i just made a journal about it ;)! to see if ppl are interested and if it would be possible
QuoteKiH couldn't even manage to attend the current cup, do you honestly think they'll show for a NC?
me and tites can install and train this game hard to fill up KiH playerslots if they want, right?

Sirkka wont quit LoL, mystic wont play, olbaa probably will laugh at you for suggesting this, rest wont show up for a scheduled game, ever.
never ever again
i like how you know everything about other countries situation, eventho you're just an asslicking random.
would be fun. swani and mystic carry Finland to victory GG
if defekt and raul are in for it I'd be in as well, but we're surely not be able to fill 6 players so 3on3 would be the only way to go for us
are there that many people playing rtcw? lol
3on3 first and after gohead 6on6!!
sure, os1ris will carry
would play
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