I organize best lan www

Hi guys,
i have big plans for the future of ET.
For the ones who went to cc5 cpc n shit it will be a brand new experience just for you guys.

First of all, lan will take place in my wonderful Marseilleghetto, in one of these building (with beautiful view @ other buildings and the police visiting us)
image: Marseille-France-apartmen-008

Sleeping place :
We are gamers motherfucker, you were expecting to sleep?

Food & drinks :
Bouillabaisse also know as fish soup
image: trnd_bouillabaisse
Beers & energy drinkz to play computer all night long

Entrance fee :
25€ to be able to make some interesting prizes

Prizes :
Here comes the interesting part, my cousin Momo (Maurice) sponsors us the following :

1 prostitute per player
1 prostitute for team
1 tranny for team (sorry but my cousin cant offer more)
(Condoms arent provided)

You guys may wonder if theres like a girl in nbr one team then tranny can be switched for a prostitute. As you can see its a very well prepared LAN wihout any place for randomness.

Sign up :
PM gtv`Enigma @ #follow.et I dont have time for this shit however send money to my paypal [email protected] 100% secure no scam


image: tumblr_n5nqa18Adc1qzy9ouo1_1280

MarseilleColonel LeFrancis - A LAN organizer

ps : better than NationsCup watch us bring medal at home http://www.gamestv.org/event/48034-follow-banana-vs-mikeh-s-low-gamers/
emorej is already there <3
as a guy who doesnt live near sea, i woudnt even touch that soup :)
bronze is more valuable than gold & silver :(
I think I need to report you to police since you are involved in human trafficking and dealing sex slaves.
I signed up. Ready to carry FOLLOW.ET to another pocal.
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