left-handed binds

could anyone give me config with binds for left-handed?
I found butchjis and dragos ones but without binds

im currently playing with:

mouse2 +moveleft // because i cant press w+a+tab+g on same time
// thats why i want to completely change my layout
g jump
f walk
h prone
q e leaning

caps lock crouch
tab sprint
shift activate

t altattack
I dont think Kimi's the type of person who's lazy about those sort of things..
He's done a lot of useful utilities for ET, It's just easier to find some config from left-handed player and take some of his "bind ideas" and custom it to yourself...
send BL4d3 a pm he got a left handed config ;)
bind KP_UPARROW "weaponbank 7"
bind KP_LEFTARROW "weaponbank 6"
bind KP_5 "+forward"
bind KP_RIGHTARROW "+reload;-reload"
bind KP_END "+moveleft"
bind KP_DOWNARROW "+back"
bind KP_PGUP "timerSet 30"
bind KP_PGDN "+moveright"
bind KP_INS "weaponbank 1"
bind KP_ENTER "weaponbank 4"
bind KP_MINUS ""
bind KP_PLUS "+zoom;+attack;-attack;-zoom"
bind KP_HOME "timerSet 20"
bind KP_SLASH "timerSet 15"
bind KP_DEL "+prone"
bind UPARROW ""
bind DOWNARROW "weaponbank 5"
bind LEFTARROW "kill;forcetapout"
bind RIGHTARROW "+movedown"

thx but wheres jump and sprint?
u use ur thumb for selfkill and revive? whoa
self is bound to left on mouse
5 is wepalt
sprint 6
jump mouse 2
8 does something :0?

image: P6Vhoc8
makes sense now :)
why i cant find left-handed logitech g400? or its something else? i used google image reverse search
I use right handed mouse, surprisingly comfy :0) thumb side is great, last 2 fingers grip on the bottom lip.

EDIT: being left handed is a pain in the ass!
im left handed and I play like right handed
it was like 12 years ago when I started using mouse and it felt better with left hand so i kept using it that way
r u telling me it would be possible to switch?
and only because there are not many mice for me?
I dont think so Id have better aim after a lot of prac
ofc its possible to switch but u prolly need to learn aiming again
but i dont get yhy would i do that when i learned with left hand already and can invest that time to improve that hand more
bind LEFTARROW "+moveleft"
bind UPARROW "+forward"
bind DOWNARROW "+back"
bind RIGHTARROW "+moveright"
bind SHIFT "+reload"
bind ENTER "+activate"
bind CTRL "+moveup"
bind MOUSE1 "+attack"
bind MOUSE2 "weapalt"
bind MOUSE3 "weaponbank 7" (i'm rifle so it is easier for mines)
bind MWHEELUP "weapnext"
bind MWHEELDOWN "weapprev"
bind KP_INS "+sprint"
bind . "+prone"
bind / "+movedown"
bind k "kill; forcetapout"

rest of kp_* is for class and spawns
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