1 more week sign up ET All Stars

Everyone who would like to sign up for the Enemy Territory 2014 All Stars event has till June 1 to do so.

After the sign-up period, I will select a captain for each respective region. Each captain will pick four players from the region they are captain of. Please take in mind that you can only be selected by the captain if you signed up for the cup! After that the community will vote for five players out of the remaining players who signed up.

Here are the requirements for anyone who wishes to sign up:
- Must have at least 1 EC in the period of 2005-2013;
- Be available during 8 - 15 June.

You can sign up by sending a PM to me with the following information:
- Nickname;
- Teams you played or are currently playing for;
- Captain: YES/NO.

I would like to thank everyone once again who donated to the prizepool of the event. If you have some spare money that you would like to donate to the prizepool, please hit the Donations link on the bottom of the page.

Is it possible to see a list of people who signed up so far?
I am going to publish the list on June 1.
allstars? avi
"- Must have at least 1 EC in the period of 2005-2013;"

but im uberstar and u cant deny it.
i would like to see who signedup =P
Sorry, I cannot publish the sign up list. It might influence people to or not to sign up for the event. I wish people to sign up who are 100% available during June 8 - 15 and have played at least one EC before.
anyway nice job & gl. hope to sea some nice games
wont be home during that month :/
slajdan won't be home during that month, move the event.
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