GamesTV parsing idea

I updated gamestv multikills
and I got new idea for parsing gamestv stats and that would be also joining data of coordinates of frags and deaths from analysis and then it would be possible to search for example panzer or rifle frags with longest distance, so something like dragos panzer on frostbite or rifle trickshots
I dont know if its worth it of the work so Im asking if its good idea
everything you work on with pleasure is worth it
:) thx, is this crossfire?
Hi Kimi,

Could you open a ticket on GTV via this link:
I will not ask for help from gtv staff, because the amount of work on this would be around same as mine doing it alone
It surely will be usefull for those who are searching for those good shots which will be added in their fragmovies. So if you have time and will go for it.
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