Hello CF you can actually help me for once...

So my gfx fan sometimes goes really load (not from heavy video playing) but it actually makes a loud rattling noise out of nowhere it's only goes away by restarting the Computor. It only happens like once a week and is more frequent after I start up my PC from sleep mode.

What I already did:

Cleaned up that bad boy from any dust, dirt and cum.
Checked if theres any cracks in the fan which might produce the noise.
Checked if there's no cable that could go into the fan.

I have a ATI Radeon 6800 series (I think 6870). My OS is win 8 but it happened on win 7, too.

If you help me solve this mystery I'll award you one Dirty Bomb Beta Key (LEL WHO HASN'T ONE) or I will draw a picture of you in photoshop.



ALSO LETS ALL PRAY FOR OUR BOY NetherlandsDUALINITY WHO IS IN SPAIN RIGHT NOW. (he's prolly gonna get mugged and stabbed R.i.P in pepperones in advance)

image: 10387844_237967546392820_1060757818_n
I have a ATI Radeon 6800


those wooden block makes lot of noise :-)
horrible muscles
god of aestetichs 10/10 no homo
when i see alexl, my hand automatically go to the dick. i stroke the dick and feel i have sex with the butt. all becoming sverige.
I just came on my screen. (with sperm)
I had problems with a super noisy fan once. After cleaning etc etc i discovered that it wasn't physical damage but a setting in the BIOS (it was on some kind of hyper fan mode).

Dno if this applies to a GFX aswell but u might give it a try....
Check the fan speed with GPU-Z once it starts making that loud noise.
Check the near area around your fan for loosened parts, like screws or stuff like that. Could be that it has nothing to do with the fan, just the vibrations the fan causes at high rpm causing other parts to start rattling. Easiest way to test it would be switching the fan with another one from your case and listen if the sound is the same or in a different place. Since if it changes it is probably something wrong with the fan itself, if it stays the same it's like others said something in your BIOS or another piece or component in your pc making the noise.
It's not related to high rpms I can run the fan at 100% for 10 minutes and the sound doesn't appear but when the rattling noise is there it doesn't go away even if I turn the fan down to 20% in catalyst
Did you change the thermal paste?
You can also try to lubricate the fan motor with sewing machine oil, light weight oil or silicon spray.
I had the same with my 5850 and know how much of a bitch the sound is ;D The bearings used in reference 5800 fans are of bad quality and wear out really fast since they lack lubrication... I assume 6800 reference fans are similar to this. What you have to do is lubricate the little bearing inside the fan, pretty easy job but you'll need some bearing grease and new thermal paste (as you'll need to remove the fan from the card to access the bearing). So just remove the whole cooler from the card and take the fan off, now you have to seperate the fan from it's housing.. this takes some force but it will open eventually (its just being held in by magnets). Then just put some grease on the shaft and little bit on the inside (:D) where the bearing is and put it back together. Dont forget to put new thermal paste on the gpu when you put the cooler back on. GL

Oh yeah, never use silicon based shit (wd40 etc) on bearings
>just being held in by magnets


Imma try that out next week. It's just so weird that the sound isn't constant but actually only appears once a week or something
bay new komputer with quality (polish pc is nice)
no idea but liked the qt <3
Cheats overwhelming your gfx
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