FPS games in 2014.

ET is kinda dead. I have played some BF4 for last few months, same like fnatic-vallutaja do (do fuck he took that retard name, im talking about Estoniareload). I have played Dirty Bomb, but its still closed beta with lack of information from developers, going to die before final release. CS:GO is seriously shit, dont like it at all.

What else, which title going to be some proper FPS with competetive scene? Some COD or this Butterfield Hardline?
DICE spend some money on ESL one in BF4, but the game is broken, and based on luck factor. Some fags are running on wifi and spreading headshots everywhere and then playing like donkey dicks on lans.
The sad truth is, there is no other game like ET. Its a shame its dying, but in my opinion all these Battlefields and Call of Duties are shit games for gfx whores (no offence). Id say CS:GO is a good option but since u dont like it i have no idea. ETLive is our only hope 8)
Indeed. CoD4 was awesome competitive, but it died because of the new "CoD" released, which aren't even played competitive (as far as i am aware)
I say ET Legacy is our only hope :s
I still didn't get what ETlive is... Just ET played in a browser? Any changes? What are the advantages? That mor people will play it cuz it doesn't need an installation or what?
new engine
QUAKELIVE is still active and a lot of fun : http://www.quakelive.com/#!home
Even people on esreality saying its already dead :D

My gf playing much QL, sometimes I play this one for warmup, overall its kinda boring.
whos ur gf ? well there is still much ppl playin it but ofc its not the playerbase of a LoL/SC2 etc.. shitty games.
for me its the best alternative to ET .
e: by quakelive , I mean duel

I got pissed when I found out it's not a browser game anymore. so disappointing
whats the big deal ? it doesnt change much from browser version :)
Dirty Bomb, same taste like ET...
I kinda like Dirty Bomb to be fair, it's gonna be amazing if they make it competitive imo (and if it won't die)...

Only hope for ET would be some kind of "basic" remake of bani's etpro and put it on steam, otherwise there isn't any way.
bani deez nuts nigga its all about the lord arQon god of CPMA and the OSP relics
Theres no good game atm. Just waiting for ETLive ( http://blog.etlive.pro/ ) if it's going to happen, if not, not gonna play anything.
What stops you from casually playing ET whenever people are on (which is everyday in Europe) ?
No other game atm can match what ET was/is. Dirty Bomb will be the closest you get to RTCW/ET but seeing as how long it takes them to update very simple things, it might be a couple of years until the game is released...
blaze sverige? :O
antar att den är nån som har hackat hans account då^^
fps on PC is dead unfortunately. You should try to get used to CSGO, its probably the only game for awhile that will be competitive in terms of FPS...I dont mind csgo, but the reg difference between playing on a client like ESEA and MM is so stupid
UNREAL. Booya.
ET > QL > everything else
ET>DB>ALL sorry but QL noo!
i feel u
cause nerds cant handle that et isnt just some aim based game
its so simple but so much strategy kinda at the same time
too much teamplay
TITANFALL is awesome dude, its just not so great in competition cuz developers don't allow own/rentable private servers atm. That sux hard, but the game itself is rly great! You can use Privat matchmaking mode for competitions but its ofc not the same as having an own server. To sad they waste such a good game with such small potatoes..
your working hours changed mate? :P now you can play?
Blaze!! i play BF4 as well .. just as a nub thou! but still ive managed to get to a 101 lvl in a few months .. hmm .. btw im 42 soon .. nästan samma tag, två 00 .. men @ funkar ju inte i BF :) /. gob@r
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