CFG Crosshair Toggle

Hello men,

Some of you may know me from ( CG 6on6 EU Season 1 Division 5), but I am not here to brag about the successes of a great team; I have an issue.

At the moment my the crosshair part of my cfg looks like this:
seta cg_crosshairsize 30
seta cg_crosshairX "0"
seta cg_crosshairY "0"
seta cg_crosshairAlpha "2"
seta cg_crosshairAlphaAlt "2"
seta cg_crosshairColor "cyan"
seta cg_crosshairColorAlt "cyan"
seta cg_drawCrosshair 15

The cyan spot makes it too difficult to see on snowy levels like bestmapever Fueldump. What I need is a toggler than switches the colour of my crosshair between red and cyan, which I can bind to a key. If anyone can help, there will be big love from

image: toonvectors-63739-940
image: xTgKB8LTA
image: dog-1
image: SJxwd7j

I'm sorry men I dont paly computer much and dont know much about cfg
set col1 "cg_crosshairColor "red"; cg_crosshairColorAlt "cred"; echo ^5Crosshair colour; set xhaircol vstr col2 "
set col2 "cg_crosshairColor "cyan"; cg_crosshairColorAlt "cyan"; echo ^7Crosshair colour; set xhaircol vstr col1 "
set xhaircol "vstr col1"
bind [ "vstr xhaircol"

If this works you are formally invited to a party in ts (sponsered by best dj DJOS)
been using it with red & white for couple of years now so cya @ the party
Invite sent
Save it as 2 different files(one with red colour and one with cyan) and toggle execing it :P
yeah, why make it any simpler
5/5 journal
cant help u coz im more into reallife.cfg nowadayz but ye read what cf computer geeks have to say
Im dissapointed
wtf bro we miss some tutti frutti ferarri at
I miss the nerds aswell but i cannot into playing ET its not working :O
maybe you have some shits in your cfg LOL
just get TS workin we will be cheering for nismo and queen elizabeth tonight because he fights for golden medal and will bring it at our our basement
I asked to mr soraka banana for TS but he didnt reply me
bind button "toggle cg_crosshairColor red cyan"

why so complicated bartmen ?:D
been using it for many years, copyed this from a other bind i used back then, it worked so didnt look for other options :D
// * CrossHairColor Selector
bind k "vstr cross"
set cross "vstr ch1"
set ch1 "set cross vstr ch2; cg_crosshairColor white; echo ^7Change CrossHairColor : White ; play sound/menu/select"
set ch2 "set cross vstr ch3; cg_crosshairColor green; echo ^7Change CrossHairColor : Green ; play sound/menu/select"
set ch3 "set cross vstr ch4; cg_crosshairColor red; echo ^7Change CrossHairColor : Red ; play sound/menu/select"
set ch4 "set cross vstr ch5; cg_crosshairColor cyan; echo ^7Change CrossHairColor : Cyan ; play sound/menu/select"
set ch5 "set cross vstr ch1; cg_crosshairColor blue; echo ^7Change CrossHairColor : Blue ; play sound/menu/select"

save it as crosshair.cfg
add exec crosshair.cfg in your autoexec.cfg
op script, should be working without problems
Never understood those crosshair changing scripts, it's useless, how hard is it to write /cg_crosshaircolor or press esc/options/view ?
how it's hard to do something like this and then just press "k" like a boss in game?
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