Dirty Bomb?

How is the game?
I am just downloading it and eager to test it. People here play it? Is it any good in your opinion?
yeah it's okay :)
Its pretty good. We just need cg_drawgun 0 and make ironsights equivalent to hip aiming spread and recoil-wise.
I was told that hip aiming is better than ironsight? Is there a difference?
Also where you should aim for? Should you aim for upper chest so you get headshots or straight to head or does the recoil effect the bullets as much as I need to aim for chest/lower-chest area?
Also should you burst on long range?
Any overpowered shit I should know while playing? or general shit.
Ironsight decreases spread, especially when you are moving.

As for aiming i usually only aim for the body when really far away, otherwise always head. Recoil isnt that bad, just keep adjusting slightly. Bullets come from crosshair, not like cs where you have to aim at their feet to get headshots.
So if I am far away should I use ironsight?
Yes. Also recoil depends a lot on weapon, SMG, m4 doesn't have that much recoil, but pistols and some assault rifles have a ridiculous recoil.
Hi, bullets don't come from crosshair, they come from the barrel of the gun. You don't have to aim at feet to get headshots in CS.
Do some research.
Well, you don't have to aim for legs to hit headshot. Bullets start flying higher and higher by every bullet -> when spraying (like the guy in the .gif) you have to basically keep moving your crosshair lower to hit the correct spots. But in burst fires, you easily hit the head by aiming to the head.

That's the simpliest explanation I'm able to give at the moment.
I know all that. I was originally making a comparison to how it works in dirty bomb, where your crosshair moves with the recoil as opposed to cs :|
Ah, gotcha. Misunderstanding.
the real beanhead???? omg
i am noname

1. Always aim from the hip. Iron sight only for very long ranges.
2. Aim for the same places you would in ET.
3. No burst in long range.
Im playing the game for 3 days :D but so far i would say, dont use ironsight, its totally OK to aim like in ET... longrange you crouch and you are accurate, mid and closerange you can dodge+shoot just like in ET. For very very long distances (or side-backrapes) you can use ironsight, but then your movement also slows down, so its very easy to hit you.
There is some recoil, you need to move your crosshair down a bit (similar to pistol in ET, but here you need to do it with smg also).
dead alredy
It's decent but it could be a lot better. Pugged for the first time today and it's a completely different game if you compare it to pubbing.
We do them most nights on that TS. Join up if you are ever bored.
Is there a skill requirement? I mean I know pretty much only trainyard as a map and I've played the game like 3 hours. Am I able to join you guys?
Not at all, will pm you details
It's great. It has potential to be very successful.
As if. No promod coming :D
It's very suited for competitive play already.

Also, did I say successful eSports game? Nope.
Whats the point of it if its not succesful eSports game? No it's not. Have you played any wars in it? Sounds fucked up no limits for airstrikes.. There was something shitty with classes also but can't remember what been almost a year i played it
Every game has to be successful eSports game? Great logic there.

Playing the game on 6vs6 servers is enough to see how it could be played in competitive mode. So far it seems to work very well and it really has potential to become successful.

And promod =/= no limits on servers. Of course you could limit little things like that. There isn't really any imbalances in the game in my opinion and it's heavily teamwork based. Even the greatest aimers get wrecked if the opponents know how to play together. Although in my experience most public players don't know how to play together so it's pretty easy to humiliate them by giving them nice death sprees. I hope that changes in the future.
delusional much?
really not good? haven't played, not really looking for ETclone but a nice fps would be kewl
i really dont know if it good or not, but it wont be succesful thats for sure
Unlike etqw and brink, it will be free to play. Thats a big factor i think. I doubt ET would ever take off if it wasn't free to play. And remember what a lot of RTCW players said about ET when it was released :P
Yeah i get what u saying, but it 2014k, there simply aint new players to fill the fps scene ( apart from cs )
gameplay seems to be cool and et-like
it has too much extra shit on the screen atleast in my opinion, feels like i cant see shit sometimes.
I pretty like it...
beta key ?:>
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