csgo related question

hey guys,
does some1 of u know how can i fix that i can talk ingame without pressing a fucking button? already switched it on audio setting but its not working either for me or for fuchs

plox help always getting killed when im trying to search the fucking button to speak =D
I assume you're kidding
Options -> Audio Settings -> Open Microphone
thats what we did not working for us
if i do the mic test there than its working but not ingame weird as fuck
got the same, switched to push-to-talk at end (hate it tho - sometimes I focus more on pressing the right button than actually playing)
this! :D i would like to use ts but then i got -50fps -.-
I don't have to worry about fps, they are too low already :) (got a cap on 60 but it's Christmas when I got it stabilized there)
60? still more^^
well without ts i got 70-90fps depends on the map and with ts 15-30fps :D
for example yesterday my mates forced me to try to play 1 map with ts and i fucking played dust2 with fucking 15fps my mates laughed their asses off i wasnt moving at all more like teleporting :D
and i know that they always want me to get on ts cuz its a fact that u r talking more with an open mic than with press2talk atleast for me. sometimes im "lazy" to find/press the button just2talk :/
so I hope i find a solution somewhere either to fix the shit open mic stuff or that i can use ts while playing csgo with no or less fps drops!
I have same fps with or without TS. There are some maps that I can't play at all (cbble for example - I am just spinning in a place because my mouse is not reacting properly), on most maps smoke/nade explosion screws things up. I do hate push to talk tho - the only viable button for me is left shift - there is no sprint in cs so it's empty. However, in the heat of battle I often press caps lock instead of shift, and then I have to look at keyboard to be sure I am pressing the right button - which is very distracting.
Is it not possible to assign two buttons for the same function? I don't have csgo, but I saw this in many games possible. Of course if you have something different on capslock then that idea is done
not possible in this game and it might be possible that he got sneaking on capslock not sure :P
stop trollin m8
calm the fuck down its just a game
bind push to talk to mouse1, problem solved
Haha, I read that site every day but ive never seen this one before :)
as you can see, me & my brother bump it every now and then to rip open the scar it made :D
Sorry mate, but this thread has been deleted. :o

Thread gemaakt door timbolina genaamd "cajunb wallhack?"

Odd positioning and weird crosshair placements
or do you think he has good gamesense?
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