Router problem , NEED HELP

Hey everyone,

Since I've bought a new router 2 weeks ago, I've got an issue, which I've been fighting against day and night, but just can not really find out what causes the problem. The situation is:

Every minute, or a minute and a half, my internet connection just stops, gets back again, stops and gets back again (this process happening in under a second) --> here's a picture to show you how it looks in-game:
image: 219no6e
Of course two yellos bars come on top as well, but that line is running faster.

Since I have a cable net, I called the ISP to ask whats up with them (but since this is so periodical, and this started since I bought a new router I already had doubts about that). Then an electrician from the ISP came, to check if its something to do with the modem. The internet, runs perfectly fine bypassing the router, connecting straight to the modem. Then this week Wednesday I've went back to where I bought the router, told them my problem. They've brought it for servicing, and today they told me, the router was wrong by factory , and they gave me a brand new one from the same type of router ( TP-Link WR940N v2 ). I installed it, hoped for a smooth internet, and BOOM, same periodical lag again.

This really can not be felt during browsing the net or something, but during gaming, this annoys the sh*t out of me. Concretely in ET the game just stops for that 2 moment, really, really annoying.

If anyone was kind enough to read my problem, and has some experience around this field, I'd be thankful for any ideas you may come up with.
looks like when pb was still running :D
close everything running expect for windows and et might be just some programm running in backround i had something similar with a software for my printer, only ET was affected -.-
doubt its the modem/router since u changed it
every PC (3) connected to that router has the exact same lag in the exact same time >.< and again, without the router it worked perfectly fine in the last 2 days, when it was in service and I used the modem only. so I'm 101% sure it's something to do with the router. I've checked every single troubleshooting guide, every single settings on the router's configuration page, upgraded firmware, I'm really hopeless.
940N is EOL according to the site, try and have it exchanged for another model (just go with something boring like Linksys/Netgear/etc.)
Yeah, if there wont be a solution during the weekend I'll go back to the store and tell em to swap it, and hope that the new one would work.
modem problem, I have the same on some servers (depends on the trace route aswell and the % of packet loss)
but when it was connected to the modem, without the router, it worked completely fine, so it's really not the case :/
1. have you tried entering into the routers settings page and play with the port forwarding?
2. do you have any wireless security on ?
3. do you have a big penis?
1. I've entered the router's setting page, but didn't play with port forwarding yet ( srsly don't know where and what to do about that)
2. Yeah there is a security on wireless : WPA/WPA2 - Personal(Recommended) with a name and pass, but I'm connected via cable.
3. I'm well endowed.
since youve formally got CCNA and I haven't, I won't question you big penis overlord. But, how would port forwarding play a part in this? And, didn't he state he used cable (could be I misunderstood, kinda drunk :S) -- in which case wireless security wouldn't give overhead anyway?
yea forwarding has nothing to do here sry i was drunk, and doesnt matter if he uses cable....if he has no wireless security and other users are using his net, it could fuck it up
tp link firmware, yuck
get gargoyle, problem solved
What's gargoyle?
should I just download it, and install as a firmware?
yes, but be carefull what u download/install :D - has to be the one for ur model

and never ever use tp link firmware again pls.-
I'd personally recommend DD-WRT as custom firmware if you're gonna do that, if your router is supported.
used to have this problem
update/downgrade firmware and it should be ok
updated it, didn't change anything. By downgrading you mean installing an older version?
when i had this problem i had to upgrade tho
Cable or Wireless?
What you can try it to flash it with OpenWRT or DD-WRT seems that this router at least supports one of those.
whats this exactly about? I'm not familiar with these
Alternative firmware for your router, with more options.
If you want to flash one of them, make sure you know what you are doing.
Dayum, I'm not that much into networking, so guess I should not be trying such things out on my own. :/

actually i have this problem with ts3. I suppose to change my router to fix my problem.
I'm not 100% sure, and I'm not home atm, but I think I have the exact same model -- and running DD-WRT on it I haven't had a single problem with anything. May be worth trying DD-WRT.
I'm not really familiar with these custom firmwares though, gotta research a bit I suppose
Obviously a router problem, since without it his game runs perfectly.

Like adze said, try to upgrade/downgrade the current firmware. You should also check the router's menu and just disable every service that might be running and causing these lags. If you disabled everything and its still lagging then ye, change firmware, or just buy another router :o
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