need a new mouse

Yo all,

After my Logitech G400 is broken and the service send me back saying "they repair the processing unit" but this shit still turn off every fucking 10-20 second for 1-2 seconds I am about to buy a new one.

First of all i dont need laser mouse, I dont like that cause i play lowsens and i can't turn with that. So i prefer Optical sensored rats. I checked this Steelseries KANA V1-V2 but i dont know any idea which is the best choose? I dont need Logitech again shit support, shit service.

Just tell them to repair the god damn wire of your g400 and it'll be fine.
ye wont play 2 or 3 weeks more with notebook mouse again until i get my mouse back...
nothing else than optical mouse for fps games.
mice with specifications:
best sensors are: avago 3090,3060,3668,3888 - where 3090 is the best (lowest attracting angle)
i wouldnt recommend lower prized mice even with avago 3090, they are fucking smth up with sensor position or lens and its working unexact with different speeds of mouse moves, just like hama urage reaper or ozone radon opto (my opto had positive accel around 15 -20% between slow and fast moves and this accel is very irregular)
i would recommend smth from zowie like AM and EC EVO or roccat like kone pure optical and savu (actually playing on savu, which has positive/negative accel around 1% max between slow and fast moves).
Most of the Zowie mice got the same sensor, dont they?

E: checked, they do :D
But I still dont get it, in every review they always praise AM more than the others, weird
different grips/weight/maybe dpi steps. but thisone is the bestone and all good mice should have it.
Yes, they keep publishing mice with the same sensor. 3090 is the best sensor on the market right now so why would they change anything about it? But when it comes to shape and weight, you just can't stick to one because every player have different needs in this area, so yes.
you are totaly wrong.

Best sensor is on the ss rival (cannot remember exactly wich model it is, maybe the avago 3110 or smth like this)
sure bro.
had exactly the same experience - after a year or so, cable of my G400 broke. I sent it for repair, explicitly saying what is wrong and what are the symptoms (broken cable - random disconnects in-game). They returned it to me after a month, saying they repaired it. I played for 5 minutes and bam - disconnect. So I decided fuck them, I am gonna buy replacement cable from ebay - it arrived few days ago, but it's very thick, cannot play with that.

When the first disconnects happened I wanted to buy new G400 but it was already discontinued. So I found its successor G400s, which is almost twice as expensive and the one I have unfortunately only half as good as G400. Sadly I got the version with angle snapping, and if my G400 was in a gaming shape I would switch back in a heartbeat.
I am thinking of buying one of the zowie mice. i dont want Logitech again...
Zowie AM
Been using Kana v2 for a while and its a really solid mouse. Get v2 over v1, it has bunch of improvements like better sensor, buttons etc.
Check this out: - pretty easy to reprair your mouse.

If you would just buy one:

My mouse history:
Razer CopperHead > Logitech G5 > Razer DiamondBack > SteelSeries Xai > Zowie FK (+MX518 and Abyssus)
So I played with a lot of different mice, both laser and optical. As far as I remember you are pretty avarage when it comes to height - hence your hands are medium sized - so you don't need neither a huge or a very tiny mouse.

SteelSeries Xai (laser): I received one for free like two years ago, fixed it with the same method I lined you above and I was one of the happiest guys alive. The mouse itself is fucking perfection. I used it on QcK+ and it never skipped, jittered or whatever even once. Eventho I'm a lowsense player (270° @ 40cm) and I used to play a lot of QL. The shape and weight of the mouse is also perfect for medium/large hands.

Zowie FK (optical): I chancge my gear all the time, not because I have to, but I just want to try new things from time to time. That's why I managed to change from Xai also. I've read a lot of reviews, test which mouse shall I get and I ended up with this mouse. This mouse is for smaller handed people and I had to get to used to, it took me a time, seriously (as my hands are pretty damn big, but never liked huge mice like DA for example) and the extra low LOD gave me headache in the first few days, but once I got used to it, WOW. Due to the low LOD you can be so fucking accurate even with the lowest sensitivity when you got to lift the mouse that you wouldn't imagine. You can't even feel that you are holding a mice, it's so easy to aim with it and it "swims" on the mouse pad.
I'm using fingertip grip and I think I found the perfect mouse for myself.
If you like right handed desings and bigger mice(bigger than FK,Abyssus) in general you should try the EC series from Zowie, their shape are close to DA.

edit: Zowie convinced me at first when the box arrived, it's SOLID. Not Razer like when you actually spend half of the money on the boxing. No guide, no extra shiny stuff in the box, not even a driver CD. Just the mouse itself with an extra pair of hyperglides and that's it. You can change the polling rate and the CPI with adjustable buttons and it's combination, so it's really a plug and play mouse and it comes handy on LANs where you can't install drivers.

If I wouldn't have picked a Zowie months ago I'd prolly go with a SteelSeries Kana v2 right now, but this way I have to say ZOWIE > ALL when it comes to mice.
roccat kone [+] :3 i got this mous for so many years and not a single prob yet
I had mx518, diamondback, xai, abyssus, sensei raw... from these the sensei raw was the best, and i still have this mouse. Actually its perfect for me, can handle really fast movements also.

But a lot of ppl saying zowie mouses are the best, and i never had one so... considering you want optical sensor u should probably go with a zowie mouse.
also i think there are no two sensors on the world that have the exact same properties... for example xai and sensei raw uses the same sensor... but my xai mouse was so much worse for some reason... couldnt handle fast movements, and it just felt less accurate. So i guess you need some luck also.

And you have to consider other factors like your mousepad, or overall sensitivity.

So the SS sensei raw on roccat taito with ~ 16 cm / 180 works great for me.
i also had that Xai. I bought that mouse when it came out and sold it after 1 week cause it couldnt handle my movements either... I think i ll take some zowie or kanav2
zowie ec1 evo
1.1a fo life
steelseries rival all the way
Do you use high cpi/sens in some way?
+ With what mousepad?

I have Sensei atm and altho Rival is optical and completely different sensor to the Sensei's one.. Im kind of scared about the quality from SS...

But the point, Im using highsens in almost every game, like really highsens so I hate what I get a lot with Sensei and that's this "jittery" movement/tracking and really inaccurate which pisses me off :(((
i use 800 but i like to switch it up from time to time
And mousepad is Qck+
Just switch to low sens then mate :P
I'd go straight for razer deathadder
razer abyssus or deathadder
da 2013 , strange shape, but awesome sensor! Mionix avior 7000 or naos 7000 (if you are in ergonomic style) are great,solid with a flawless sensor atm on the market.
zowie all the way -> AM or FK
zowie EC1 if u have big hand or zowie EC2 if u have small hand
Which one do you have atm and what mouse did you have before that?
EC1 evo. Before that i had EC1 and deathadder

puretrak talent

Ah, yeah I'd get Puretrak talent ages ago, if it would be in some shops in ger/cze/svk/pl or something like that...
It would cost $21 the mousepad itself and $23 the shipping, cba :(((

Just ordered the EC1 evo, so Im interested, cuz im gonna switch on it from Sensei :/
i had to order it from usa. the shipping costs were low back then
How much did you pay back then? :D
the pad was like 10 euros and shipping 5-10
Fucking hell, would kill for that
and it still feels like a new one
Yeah, almost everyone who has it told me, that even after few months/years it isn't damaged or anything... ffs
Zowie AM guys, its the best
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